Interesting and Humour - page 607



Ehhh, where are my seventeen years...))




Oh, I remember))

There was also an incident...

Many years ago, on the 30th of December, my wife brought home a dog that was lost in the evening. A little dog Dog, girl, just under a year old. Very well groomed, collared, contact.

Well, she's lost. No problem. Wouldn't be the first time. We'll put up ads and a maximum of a week will find a happy owner. But in the evening we had to go out of town to a friend's house on New Year's Eve.

The horse had been taken with us. She did not run away, quickly accepted that now, temporarily, her name was Jessie, and behaved perfectly. Until it was time to go to bed.

We were given a small room with a big bed. Next to the bed was some sort of horse blanket. Just between the edge of the bed and the wall. The wall was wooden.

Right after lights out, the horse climbed on the bed. It took what it obviously thought was its rightful place between us. Got up, turned on the light, took it off the bed, put it on the floor. I explained to her that the three of us on the bed was no good.

Lights out. Yeah. You don't like it, so you sleep on the mat. Turned on the light, put it on the floor...

Half an hour later, tired. You can't retrain a dog that's almost a year old. Especially not for what reason. He'll go back to his own anyway. And there it is possible on a bed.

In short, in principle it is possible to sleep three together with this horse. We fell asleep.

About half an hour later, flying over the mat, I woke up to a bang on the wall. This horse had not even noticed how it brushed me off the bed and continued to run in my sleep with a puppy squealing, shifting with all four hooves paws.

It took another hour to negotiate that the place on the edge was the only alternative for her to be outside in a kennel.

P.S. The owner was never found. Gave her away to a good friend. She stayed Jessie and lived her happy doggy life.

Испанский город, затерянный в камнях

The Spanish town of Cetinil de las Bodegas brings to mind the biblical truth that there is a time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones It seems that these words are taken literally here and that some unknown force has gathered all the blocks of stone in the area and then placed many residential houses among them. Perhaps this is one of the most fascinating parts of Andalusia.

P.S. About "there is a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather stones": I think it's too direct an analogy, which is irrelevant. But the town is delightful.