Interesting and Humour - page 552

В данной ситуации виноваты доверчивые люди, которые невзначай рассказывают мошенникам личные данные, не смотря на наши предупреждения. 
В некоторых случаях аферисты звонили от имени сотрудников банка, говорили, что хотят ускорить процесс передачи денег, 
поэтому просили назвать секретные данные. Запомните, банковские работники никогда не переводят деньги с помощью телефонных звонков. 
Есть и еще один момент: это простота процедуры блокирования и восстановления сим - карты. 
Мы считаем, что мобильные операторы должны ее усложнить и быть внимательными. 
This is a comment from the bank. The first sentence is in bold - when I wanted to recover my password, left an application, they called me back and asked for personal details and a secret word. So the wordsin italics - you need to be more specific. And the next sentence is a pearl - it's the mobile operators' fault, not the bank's fault for a leaky service that doesn't meet any security standards.

quote: ...." .28 August. VOSTOK MEDIA - From next year, the Russian Interior Ministry will officially pay for denunciations by citizens who help solve crimes or catch criminals.The ministry has requested 280 million rubles from the budget for this purpose.... Until now,the ministry has only paid for information to specially hired full-time agents. ...To pay for information obtained from ordinary citizens, it had to use the "black box"...Now the ministry wants to make such allocation of funds legal. The snitching services will cost a pretty penny - up to 300,000 rubles for a single snitch.Experts say the Interior Ministry is asking an unreasonably high price. It may turn out that money-hungry Russians will start snitching on innocents....".

If this goes on, we'll live like in the Prince and Pauper.

People are now generally cunning, they make complaints about the case from out of the blue / for later / and immediately to the prosecutor's office, and they do not understand the current realities, stupidly go after some regulation and fine / attract to the right and left / myself here got in the crosshairs /.

Услуги стукачей будут стоить недешево - до 300 тыс. руб. за единичный донос.

Yes, for 300 thousand rubles many people will write anything on their neighbour. I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind 300,000 rubles.))


Just like a Bech. Х6 :))

The Black Grail. Greed is the enemy of greed.

Just like a Bech. Х6 :))

But what will it become when it goes from concept to realisation. The Lada-Kalina looked so chic in advertisements five years before it was launched.

It's going to be shorter in length and width and have smaller wheels.


Hmm... I was originally planning on being sarcastic. Now I've changed my mind.

Actually, VAZ front-wheel drive cars aren't bad. Unless, of course, the gasket between the steering wheel and the seat is OK. I personally had the whole speedometer on the nine. The Priora is definitely best in class in my opinion. But here's the kalina...