Interesting and Humour - page 556


so of course in those days there was no sex, so Murz and amused .... and the paint used to be high quality, erase does not work, only the monitor bent :) with guesses it as that would be folded more,

1- envelope 4-eyes 6 swings 7 hanger 9 coins?

1 is very close, 4 is almost right. 6 - absolutely right. 9 - there's a broom, but actually the coins are much more likely to be the right answer.

9 - there is a broom there, but actually the coins are much more like the right answer.


Even more like the right answer - "cockroaches". Rare nowadays, but in the past ...
Andreas Breivik allowed to hire prostitutes

The Norwegian newspaper Dasnahs has been told by the prison where Andreas Breivik will be held that additional severe restrictions will be imposed on the new prisoner.

1. The money Breivik will receive can be used to hire call girls, but no more than once a month. During the meeting with the girl, there will be an armed guard nearby and five cameras will record everything.

2. In the case of an escape attempt only rubber bullets can be used so as not to injure the prisoner.

3. If the prisoner is treated inhumanely, he has the right to appeal to a court for compensation of moral damage.

4. Prison officers should check the room of a prisoner every day for dirty laundry so that he cannot use it to harm anyone.

5. The cells of particularly dangerous prisoners shall be cleaned every two days, regardless of the prisoner's wishes.

6. If he behaves well, after three years Breivik can get a 32-inch LCD TV and a game console in his cell.

7. For high-risk prisoners, there are daily physical workouts in a gym with state-of-the-art machines to physically wear out the offender.

The warden also noted that Breivik will be given a choice of wall colours in his cell and given three different mattresses of different softness to choose from.
Andreas Breivik allowed to hire prostitutes

Compare this with the rules for holding particularly dangerous criminals in the Black Dolphin prison in Russia:

Andreas Breivik allowed to hire prostitutes

The Norwegian newspaper Dasnahs has been told by the prison where Andreas Breivik will be held that additional severe restrictions will be imposed on the new prisoner.

1. The money Breivik will receive can be used to hire call girls, but no more than once a month. During the meeting with the girl, there will be an armed guard nearby and five cameras will record everything.

2. In the case of an escape attempt only rubber bullets can be used so as not to injure the prisoner.

3. If the prisoner is treated inhumanely, he has the right to appeal to a court for compensation of moral damage.

4. Prison officers should check the room of a prisoner every day for dirty laundry so that he cannot use it to harm anyone.

5. The cells of particularly dangerous prisoners shall be cleaned every two days, regardless of the prisoner's wishes.

6. If he behaves well, after three years Breivik can get a 32-inch LCD TV and a game console in his cell.

7. For high-risk prisoners, there are daily physical workouts in a gym with state-of-the-art machines to physically exhaust the offender.

The warden also noted that Breivik will be given a choice of wall colours in his cell and given three different mattresses of different softness to choose from.
I want to go to them prison!
I want a prison for them!
The old bojan - "Prison in Norway"

По расчетам экспертов, уже через десять лет ученым из инновационного центра "Сколково" удастся получить первый образец чистой прибыли наноразмера.

I don't understand modern Russian at all, please translate this phrase into Russian

An old bojan - "Prison in Norway"
Well, I thought happiness was so close.

I don't understand modern Russian at all, please translate this phrase into Russian

So far the investment is a loss, no profit, expected in 10 years.