Interesting and Humour - page 553

sumkin75: Hmm... Originally planned to be sarcastic. Now I've changed my mind.

well why change your correct opinion? help me out, here's something I read the other day:

AVTOVAZ begins small-scale production of the EL Lada electric car. ....

The EL Lada is based on the Lada Kalina.......

Approximate cost of electric car will be about 1 million rubles.

Agree rather cleverly they want to sell the cheapest production car for a million


well why change your right mind? help me out, here's a read the other day:

you have to admit it's pretty slick they want to sell the cheapest production car for a million

Well, the market will show what will prevail, demand, or supply :)))
Well, the market will show what will prevail, demand or supply :)))

And in general, after joining the WTO, they say the customs duty will be abolished. Then it will be possible to buy a foreign car 30% cheaper. VAZ will either die with these offers or make foreign cars.

PS. You can get a hybrid Civic for a million.


And in general, after accession to the WTO, they say the customs duty will be abolished. Then it will be possible to buy a foreign car 30% cheaper. VAZ will either die with these offers or make foreign cars.

PS. You can get a hybrid Civic for a million.

Yeah, right. They'll cancel it.

And in general, after joining the WTO, they say the customs duty will be abolished. Then it will be possible to buy a foreign car 30% cheaper. VAZ will either die with these offers or make foreign cars.

PS. You can get a hybrid Civic for a million.

They won't cancel it straight away, they will reduce gradually over 6 years.
Yeah, right. They will.
Yeah, they'll abolish it. Well, either the dealer will take an extra profit, or (which is more likely) there will be some new tax.
Yes, they will abolish it. Well, either the dealer will take an extra profit, or (which is more likely) there will be some new tax.
They won't. They will replace it with a recycling fee. The final figure is just the same. If they just abolished it, hundreds of thousands of people would be out of work.

And in general, after joining the WTO, they say the customs duty will be abolished. Then it will be possible to buy a foreign car 30% cheaper. VAZ will either die with these offers or make foreign cars.

PS. For a million you can get a hybrid Civic.

even do not know whether your nickname has to do with your date of birth, but your reflections are childishly naive, well, there are no and will not be in our country the laws of supply and demand, well, let's assume that the import duties will be reduced significantly, and what? the prices in the domestic market will go down or the income of importers will increase? for me the second is expected, but then again RBC has just read on a similar theme:

"There will be no serious changes in the short term as the price is determined not only by customs duties but also by demand. Today we have a very good demand for livestock products due to various circumstances. Therefore, even if duties are reduced, the current'super profits' will be redistributed between retail chains and the wholesale link. Only in the medium term, which we estimate at two to five years, will there be a gradual reduction in prices.

I.e. taking into account inflation, pork will never become cheaper than it is being sold now, and so will the car industry, imho

They will not abolish it. They are replacing it with a recycling fee. The final figure is exactly the same. If they were just to abolish it, then hundreds of thousands of people would be out of work.

Of course they will. Otherwise what the hell do they need us for?

And the unemployment figures are naive. Where does the figure come from? The unemployment office? It's not even funny. But if the data from the pension office were to show which coll. people have deductions, the ruble would probably adjust its price sharply. IMHO.