Interesting and Humour - page 4760

Alexandr Bryzgalov:


where does the alcohol come from on the train? they usually take it with them, the shift workers call it a teleporter.

And how do they take it with them? Do they pour it into a mug and carry it in their outstretched hands?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

How do you take it with you? Pour it in a mug and carry it in your outstretched arms?

seriously? you think you're gonna move the forum? ))

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Seriously? You think you're gonna move the forum? ))

Nah, I don't think the forum is interested in the topic of immortal tales.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I also know a pilot.

This one?

ჩიტო, გვრიტო, ჩიტო-მარგალიტო, და

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The thing is, everyone has a Seryoga like that. I have one. I also have an acquaintance who was a pilot and carried a cow on a plane, etc. etc.

So think about how and where all of a sudden the students got a single mug of alcohol on the train. The situation is fabulous. And also there is no glass in the train to pour from a common container...

ps: there's also that fisherman I know... from that tale about the jar of grouse. Yes... And a naked woman in our unit stood on a can, but I did not see it, and the guys who are half a year older by conscription - here they saw))) I also have a neighbour who is a former Cholula))) except that he does not show his military ID to anyone.

No, not one single mug. Then another one came along. And another one.

Every story is told in brief, skipping all sorts, including juicy (if the story is not vulgar) detail of how someone was running to the toilet at the time.

Well, there's no space here to describe all the details, which I missed. And without the details, some people get a sense of fiction. And it's their right to stick body parts in a pot of boiling water to make sure it's boiling.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

How do you take it with you? Do they pour it into a mug and carry it in their outstretched hands?

That's a bummer. What an impossibility some people have at times.

The students didn't take alcohol with them. They bought it from those who did and were on the train. And they poured it into a mug - one for everyone. They were students... and it's a good thing they had one cup big enough to distribute to everyone in the compartment - for four people + one guest.

Why do you need such unnecessary details in the story? Ahhhh, just out of boredom and trolling for the sake of trolling, you have to pretend to be absolutely tight...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

ჩიტო, გვრიტო, ჩიტო-მარგალიტო, და

Alexei, please don't do that kind of writing again. I tried to translate it with the built-in translator and the page froze without movement. Restarted mazila......... the result is zero, it hangs. Translated it in Yandex without any problems, but the forum page hangs. Rebooted again......... does not help. Only restarting the computer helped get rid of the translation process.))

But I can't get the hang-up to happen again. Apparently the translation is remembered on the server:)))
Alexey Viktorov:

Only rebooting the computer helped get rid of the translation process.)))

Holy crap, I'm a hacker!

Alexei, I'm sorry, darling.


such things


I seem to have dropped the website altogether with the Georgian language. Great and mighty is the language of the mountains!

I'll try Zulu later.