Interesting and Humour - page 4757




Please add an alert

Screw in an alert


I came across this condition in one code

if(bs == 0 && BuyPos > 0 && BuyPos == 0)

It is bs kind of a BuyStop order and BuyPos is a BUY position

It actually reads like this: If BuyStop = 0 and BUY position is greater than 0 and BUY position is 0

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

The clip is interesting and poignant.

Yes, it's political, but you have to listen to it at least once. Then you can delete it.

Don't judge strictly.

A week is not strict.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

Interesting and Humorous

Rashid Umarov, 2017.08.07 14:28

Attention all members of the community!

For any posts with politics, which provoke the participants of the branch to mutual squabbles and insults, will be banned for a week. This applies primarily to attacks/mockery on national and territorial grounds. Discussion of historical facts in favour of this or that country/people, under the guise of objectivity, will also be purged.

Anyone who joins in the discussion of such provocative posts will be banned, no matter what you write in response to such a post. We are forced to take such measures to maintain order in the thread.

Artist Nadezhda Malinovskaya.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

and immediately had a craving for crayfish :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

and immediately made me crave crayfish :-)

and beer with laundry detergent and dimedrol)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

and beer with laundry detergent and dimedrol)

Vodka is better with dimedrol)))
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Vodka is better with dimedrol.)

And moonshine with dichlorvos)