Interesting and Humour - page 4555






OK, I've got it!

If you're sharing a cat (or something else) in the Russian part, it will only appear in the Russian part...
In the English part you have to look for your English cat ... (there your cat will not appear).


Schering is this:


Friends! It turns out that there may be terrorists among us, what a scare!

Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB, has announced threats that were just yesterday's fiction. But today they concern any ordinary citizen.

"To support themselves economically, terrorists have begun to use cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms more and more. Through front companies, they take part in trading -playing on the stock exchange."

Глава ФСБ предупредил об угрозах. Касается всех простых граждан
Глава ФСБ предупредил об угрозах. Касается всех простых граждан
17 октября 2019 года Священный Синод Русской Православной Церкви по итогам заседания принял заявление о...
Aleksey Ivanov:


...and they haven't thought about migratory birds yet)) and the wind from prolonged nano-capsules.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Friends! It turns out that there may be terrorists among us, what a scare!

Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB, has announced threats that were just yesterday's fiction. But today they concern any ordinary citizen.

"To support themselves economically, terrorists have begun to increasingly use cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms. Through front companies, they take part in trading - playing the stock exchange."

Signing themselves helpless.

And rhetoric along the lines of "terrorists use words, we should ban the alphabet".

It's a degradation.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Opinion: object-oriented programming is a trillion-dollar disaster

According to many, OOP is the crown jewel of computer science. The perfect solution for organizing code. The end of all problems. The only true way to write programs. Given to us by the true programming God.

But it is not. People begin to succumb under the weight of abstractions and a complex graph of haphazardly separable modifiable objects. Precious time and energy is wasted thinking about abstractions and design patterns instead of solving real-world problems. Many people criticize object-oriented programming, including very prominent software developers. Even the inventor of this paradigm himself is known for his criticism of modern OOP.

The link is bullshit on a rainy autumn night (strictly imho).


And speaking of messengers. It's some kind of witch hunt, too. These days, it's like two fingers on the pavement to write programmes which communicate over TCP IP.

And by the way, you can create a messenger which is even more unbreakable than Telegram. A server is not needed, two devices can communicate directly. The important thing is to know the IP of the devices. But for that, you can enter a hundred emails into each instance and exchange IPs at the beginning of the communication session.