Interesting and Humour - page 2274


It took place in the spring of 1994. A young American named Ronald Opus decided to take his own life. The suicide note said that he, Ronald, had taken the step because of financial difficulties and a lack of understanding from his parents.

After writing this message, Mr Opus climbed onto a window sill and threw himself down from the ninth floor. It is unlikely that he would have done so if he had known that the window cleaners working in the house that day had put a safety net on the seventh floor level. So, after flying two floors, Opus would have just collapsed onto the elastic net with wet trousers, but quite alive. But then a fantastic event intervened. Just fatal bad luck!

As Ronald flew past the eighth-floor window, a shotgun blast from a tenant on the eighth floor hit him in the head from the room. While the police were pulling the corpse from the net and identifying the deceased with his head almost completely blown off by the shot, the detectives decided that the shooter - should be charged with manslaughter. After all, if he hadn't fired the shot, Ronald Opus would still be alive, having fallen to the net.

Further proceedings uncovered new facts. It turned out that the old man had fired at his wife, but missed, and the charge had hit the window. So, the detectives thought, we should correct the charge - add attempted murder (of his wife) to manslaughter. Simply, in moments of anger and quarrels with his wife, he always grabbed an unloaded shotgun from the wall and made a "kill shot" - scared his wife with the flick of the trigger. It was like a family ritual. According to both spouses, the shotgun always hung on the wall and was never loaded by anyone. So, according to American law, the charge of involuntary manslaughter now lay with whoever had secretly loaded the shotgun.

Who? Finding out that only their son could freely enter the bullied couple's room, the police detectives contacted his friend and found out many interesting things. Knowing that his father often threatened his mother with a gun hanging on the wall, the son secretly loaded it, hoping that at the first scandal he would shoot his mother and himself go to jail. However, for the past few weeks the couple had been living surprisingly peacefully, which unspeakably upset the unsuccessful vigilante. Where is he, the bastard?

"Where is he? - the old man wondered.
- The son lives upstairs..."
Yes, the son in question turned out to be... Ronald Opus! It was he who loaded the shotgun, and when the revenge failed, threw himself out the window in despair. And was shot by his own load. By his own father, whom he wanted to put in prison. The suicide was accomplished, though not exactly the way Opus wanted...

Although the whole story sounds like fiction, it is a fact actually recorded.


1957 - engineer L.I.Kupriyanovich from Moscow created and publicly demonstrated the first prototype of portable mobile phone LK-1 with the weight of 3 kg, 20-30 km range and 20-30 hours operation time without battery change and a base station to it. The apparatus solutions were patented (a.s. 115494 of 01.11.1957).
1961 - L.I.Kupriyanovich creates a prototype of pocket mobile phone in the palm of his hand, weighing 70 g and having communication range of 80 km.

an ordinary office-sized piece of paper can be folded in half a maximum of 7 times
I realised that my level of laziness had not yet reached its limit when I saw someone walking their dog on a lead through the ground floor window...
It is good to have common interests in a family... He loves fishing and she loves it when he's fishing.


As a child, Lyosha dreamed of being an astronaut, Vanya an athlete and Sergei an alcoholic. The first two ended up drinking, but the third one got his way.


If you've been touched by Western sanctions, life is good!
The eleventh commandment: Do not over-write!
Саудовский шейх провозгласил интернет-переписку между мужчиной и женщиной грехом
Саудовский шейх провозгласил интернет-переписку между мужчиной и женщиной грехом
  • 2014.05.30
  • «Газета.Ru»
Ведущий исламский авторитет, один из семи членов Верховного совета улемов Саудовской Аравии шейх Абдулла аль-Мутлак считает, что интернет-переписка между мужчиной и женщиной является грехом. Как передает телеканал Al Arabiya, шейх выразил свою точку зрения в эфире одного из государственных радио. По словам аль-Мутлака, онлайн-переписка между...
Советские мультфильмы, которые нужно запретить
Советские мультфильмы, которые нужно запретить
  • 2014.05.30
  • Елена Осипова
В преддверии Дня защиты детей «Газета.Ru» сделала подборку советских мультфильмов, от которых детей нужно защитить. И кстати, защитить от этих мультфильмов не помешало бы и многих неокрепших взрослых. Несмотря на очень распространенное мнение о том, какие прекрасные были в советское время мультфильмы, на которых мы все выросли (и вы...
Amazing dodgyness, by all means. )))
You don't get it . But that's just fine.