Interesting and Humour - page 4507

Aлександр Антошкин:
Not just schoolchildren but their parents too.
And no one would know what Rabbit thought because he was very well-mannered.
He moved his lips and said in a low whisper:
Numerical Optimization Techniques
"Fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks

- I'm here about the information security position.

- Okay. Send in your resume.

- It's already in your "My Documents" folder.


- Young lady, does your dog let other people in?

- Of course he does! How else would he bite them?


Have you also noticed that every boss likes punctual subordinates in the morning and hates them in the evening for some reason?

Fooled the cheaters!

I don't have to explain how fed up we all are with annoying phone spammers.

So here I am, just like everyone else. For 4 years I have been getting calls from some air-conditioner service centre with regular periodicity of once a month or two, insisting on cleaning air-conditioners.

Naturally, the base is stolen - I haven't left my telephone number to anybody and, moreover, I haven't signed any papers giving me the right to unceremoniously intrude into my private life.

I used to threaten, beg, send them all to FAS, fuck them, and block them - in vain, for two last years I simply reset them.

But then one night under the cover of night I had a plan, a gentle and lyrical one.

Once again the "do-gooders" call me and I'm like, "Yeah, sure, you're needed, come quickly - 3 condensers, clean right now, I beg you."

-How much?

-1800 apiece!...

And if for three will be discount?

- Yes, great, hallelujah. See you tomorrow.

I give you the address at the end of town - 142 Ebeneva Street, red building, time - 17-30 (rush hour is sure to be the cherry on the cake). Until the last moment I confirm everything, and then I'm blacklisted and blocked. Voila, revenge is ready.

They waste my time, I "theirs". I think after 2-3 trips, they'll blacklist my number themselves.

All justice!
Vitaly Murlenko:

- I'm here about the information security position.

- Okay. Send in your resume.

- It's already in your "My Documents" folder. )
