Interesting and Humour - page 4360


China has abandoned the announced settlements in national currencies. Only dollars.

(Settlement in national currencies is in fact barter, just sounds more respectable. The only exception is if one (or preferably both) national currencies are regional, i.e. basic for clearing settlements, albeit in limited but still international markets).

Китай отверг соглашение о дедолларизации торговли с Россией | 25.12.18 |
Китай отверг соглашение о дедолларизации торговли с Россией | 25.12.18 |
Разворот российской экономической политики на Восток, анонсированный после присоединения Крыма и резкого ухудшения отношений с Западом, оборачивается «холодным душем». Попытка привлечь Китай к дедолларизации и формально закрепить перевод в национальные валюты взаимной торговли - не увенчалась успехом. Китай отказался подписывать...
Igor Konyashin:

China has abandoned the announced settlements in national currencies. Only dollars.

This is not news, this information has been posted on the Internet every six months, I did not even read your link, because I have seen it a couple of times.

settlements in national currencies is not a barter or something else, and the problem is in the banks that service these "transactions" - the banks do not benefit: against USD - the volume is ridiculous, but the risk that the next leader of the "Galactic Republic" may go crazy is great

Igor Konyashin:

China has abandoned the announced settlements in national currencies. Only dollars.

(Settlement in national currencies is in fact barter, just sounds more respectable. The only exception is if one (or better both) national currencies are regional, i.e. basic for clearing settlements, albeit in limited, but still international markets).

Let's look at the ruble quotes: a little over 55 in February, over 70 in September, then 64, and now almost 70 again. Let me remind you that 5-6 roubles represents 10%, ten to thirty per cent fluctuations of the national currency over the year. Is it possible to draw up a contract under these conditions?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Let's look at the rouble: in February it was just over 55, in September over 70, then 64, and now back almost 70. Let me remind you that 5-6 roubles is 10%, ten to thirty per cent fluctuations in the national currency over the course of a year. Is it possible to draw up a contract under these conditions?

It is understandable... If Belarus (a union! state) trades for dollars.
Igor Konyashin:
If Belarus (a union! state) trades for dollars.

With Russia? A lot for the Russian rouble. the exchange rate of our rouble correlates very strongly with that of the Russian rouble.

Igor Konyashin:
It is clear... If Belarus (a union! state) sells for dollars.

The point is that when regional currencies are highly volatile against the dollar, it is more profitable to work with regional currencies rather than the dollar.

For example, if you buy household appliances for 70 dollars over there and the dollar drops to 50 and you need to sell the appliances here, the appliances sellers incur losses. and so on in everything. everyone but you know who incurs losses this way.

Of course, losses due to exchange rate fluctuations are built into the price of goods in advance, hence what? - More volatility against the dollar, depreciation of the regional currency.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Let's look at the rouble: in February it was just over 55, in September over 70, then 64, and now back almost 70. Let me remind you that 5-6 roubles is 10%, ten to thirty per cent fluctuations in the national currency over the course of a year. Is it possible to draw up a contract under such conditions?

Well, they do, don't they?)

The annual average volatility of currencies is 10-15% and that's for the "hard" ones in the IMF basket.

the euro and the dollar have been lucky to keep the annual volatility at around 10%, and the open-close is around five:

but not every year and not everyone is so lucky :-)


Happy Friday again, we're already hustling for New Year's Eve chłodzki pate, putting up the tree tomorrow))))

P.S. Gorilka is already in the freezer))))
