Interesting and Humour - page 4367

Andrey Dik:

Well done, I can see that you know how to use the internet. Now homework: find out what the Russian flag looked like in 1892.Чёрно-жёлто-белый_флаг


That's enlightening. Never heard of the existence of "Black and Yellow and White"


Yeah. But it's a good idea to read at least the first five lines. Better still, the whole article:

...on the eveof the coronation of Alexander III on April 28 1883theMinister of Internal Affairs issueda Supreme order"About the flags to decorate the buildings on solemn occasions"[23]. It only authorized the use ofwhite, blue and red flags for the decoration of buildings and prohibited the use of foreign flags for the decoration of buildings on solemn occas ions:

Here is an illustrative article about the flag:

And here is an article about the events the picture is about:Голод_в_России_(1891-1892)

Andrey Dik:

Artem, look closely, in 1892 was there such a flag in Russia? (it is difficult to say about the US flag - you can hardly see the number and location of stars)

I read a long time ago about these paintings by Aivazovsky. There are two on the theme of humanitarian aid to starving Russia: "The Relief Ship" and "Food Distribution".

Interesting? Yes. Is it enlightening? It's undoubtedly. But what is there to discuss? Well there was a humanitarian aid, Aivazovsky portrayed it in two paintings. And then? And then we will begin a mocking laughter about this fact (as often happens here, thanks to the efforts of some gentlemen), or ... or what? A discussion by art historians? Historians? Who? What?

I don't see any development of this topic for discussion here.

ZS. I will be glad to be wrong in my conclusions about impossibility to have a talk on this topic in a sensible neutral manner.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
...And it's not a fake, but a real painting by the well known Aivazovsky, called "Food Distribution", 1892

There is a second painting to this one, 'Relief Ship', last sold as a pair , total price $2.4ml. Both seem to have settled in a private collection. Remarkably, the price of the ninth shaft is $1.9

Andrey Dik:

I am not talking about the "humanitarian" aid as such (in parentheses, because this aid was leased or given on credit, as usual in the US, they also "helped" both sides of the war in WWII), well Aivazovsky depicted this historical fact, well, the Russian flag on the picture does not correspond to that time, and therefore was drawn later (fake) very recently in our time, or even made in photoshop.
Bearing in mind the ban on political topics on the forum, the post with the fake picture is a provocation.
And the picture can safely be called "The United States is profiting from starving Russia", which fully corresponds to the events of that time.

Almost from the beginning, the philanthropic movement took on anunofficial character. The American government took a negative view of the campaign. A general deterioration in inter-state relations caused by the clash of US and Russian interests in the Far East, increased competition on the world bread market and the foreign policy reorientation of the countries had an impact. To this should be added increased controversy in the ideological sphere, which was associated with the establishment of a regime of internal political reaction in the empire. However, this attitude of their own government did not embarrass the Americans. The slogan of the participants and organizers of the philanthropic movement were the words of W. Edgar: "It isnot a question of politics, it is a question of humanity".

Andrey Dik:

...which is fully consistent with the events of that time.

Andrew, regardless of personal political beliefs and preferences, any discriminatory statements about any country, nation, nationality, ethnicity, religion or other component of the multi-ethnic community are unacceptable here - on this resource.

Your post has been deleted. Or I'll have you banned.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Almost from the beginning, the philanthropic movement took on an unofficial character. The American government took a negative view of the campaign. A general deterioration in inter-state relations, caused by the clash of US and Russian interests in the Far East, increased competition on the world bread market and the foreign policy reorientation of the countries, had an impact. To this should be added increased controversy in the ideological sphere, which was associated with the establishment of a regime of internal political reaction in the empire. However, this attitude of their own government did not embarrass the Americans. The slogan of the participants and organisers of the philanthropic movement were the words of W. Edgar: 'It isnot a question of politics, it is a question of humanity'.

Read my link above and you will understand what is behind this philanthropy and state charities.

Artyom Trishkin:

Andrei, regardless of personal political beliefs and preferences, any discriminatory statements against any country, nation, nationality, ethnicity, religion or other constituents of the multi-ethnic community are not allowed here - on this resource.

I deleted your post. Or you will have to be banned.

I only gave you the information, to you.

Do the right thing and tear down ALL posts relating to politics and ban as you see fit in view of the information you have received and according to your standards of fairness.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Almost from the outset, the philanthropic movement took on anunofficial character. The American government took a negative view of the campaign. A general deterioration in inter-state relations, caused by the clash of US and Russian interests in the Far East, increased competition on the world bread market and the foreign policy reorientation of the countries, had an impact. To this should be added increased controversy in the ideological sphere, which was associated with the establishment of a regime of internal political reaction in the empire. However, this attitude of their own government did not embarrass the Americans. The slogan of the participants and organisers of the philanthropic movement were the words of W. Edgar: "Itis not a question of politics, it is a question of humanity".

Jura, all this is interesting - no doubt - but it is "walking on a razor's edge".

Finish it all.