Interesting and Humour - page 4357

Evening, dim lights,
Lying on the wall I am,
Hey, wistful! Wait a bit longer!
Morning is wiser!

Hey, you there, who are you?
Eating a lot.
I'm away from the pubs.
I reached out to God.

Vladimir Vysotsky (From Drafts, December 1967)
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Evening, dim lights,
Lying on the wall I am,
Hey, wistful! Wait a bit longer!
Morning is wiser!

Hey, you there, who are you?
Eating a lot.
I'm away from the pubs.
I reached out to God.

Vladimir Vysotsky (from drafts, December 1967)


Sharpie knife
This morning I went to the shop for ice cream (my wife used to drink coffee with ice cream, but we forgot to drink it in the evening), it was -37 outside and a girl was riding her bike, her face all in frost, but she was pedalling stubbornly. I think she is a maniac, in forty degrees below zero she could have walked.
This morning I went to the shop for ice cream (my wife used to drink coffee with ice cream, but we forgot to drink it in the evening), it was -37 outside and a girl was riding her bike, her face all in frost, but she was pedalling stubbornly. I think she is a maniac, in forty degrees below zero she could have walked.

The cyclist thinks: "What a maniac, it's -37 outside and he's walking hard for ice cream.

Denis Sartakov:

morning, the gas, heating and electricity bills came in.

It makes me sad, not cheerful.
Andrey Dik:

It's like the answer to a riddle:

Black, on three legs, standing in a vegetable garden in the steppe...

My piano, where I want it, I put it there...

Alexey Viktorov:

That's kind of the answer to the riddle:

Black, on three legs, standing in a vegetable garden in the steppe...

My piano, wherever I want it...

come on...)

Well, a piano in a field, what's the big deal? It's not on the moon)))

Andrey Dik:

Come on...)

well, in the field, what's the big deal? It's not on the moon)))

It's all right. I'm just reminded of this childhood riddle. My daughter gave it to me many years ago. I couldn't answer it, then I asked her why in the garden, and the answer was, "My piano, wherever I want it..."

Alexey Viktorov:

It's all right. I'm just reminded of that childhood riddle. My daughter gave it to me many years ago. I couldn't answer it, then I asked her why it was in the garden, the answer was "My piano, wherever I want it..."

You can put it on my plot, there are plenty of pianos you can put there)