Interesting and Humour - page 4354


"WHERE ARE THEY ON THE KEY" just killed me...

I guess there will be more freelance programmers soon

MT programming by programmers :-)


We would like to remind you that political topics are not to be discussed. As well as discriminatory statements based on race, nationality, country of residence, religion and other body part sizes.

Remember that this is a multi-ethnic site and your personal anger should not be allowed to affect the rest of the forum.

For those who feel strongly about discussing politics, fakes, and other things that might resonate, I suggest a week of rest on the resources that correspond to their favorite subjects - while here, the forum is technical and narrowly focused.

Respect yourself, and other users of the resource.

Thank you.

Рост сельского хозяйства в России оказался на 30% статистической ошибкой | 18.12.18 |
Рост сельского хозяйства в России оказался на 30% статистической ошибкой | 18.12.18 |
Бурный рост сельского хозяйства в России, о котором почти 10 лет отчитывался Росстат и которым щеголяли чиновники - от отраслевых министров до премьера Дмитрия Медведева, - оказался на 30% «приписками» и ошибками статистики. Более 10 миллионов тонн сельхозпродукции - от мяса и молока до овощей и фруктов, - которые фигурировали в официальных...
Artyom Trishkin:

We would like to remind you that political topics are not to be discussed. As well as discriminatory remarks based on race, nationality, country of residence, religion and other body part sizes.

Remember that this is a multi-ethnic site and your personal animosity should not be allowed to affect the rest of the forum.

For those who feel strongly about discussing politics, fakes, and other things that can cause a resonance, I suggest a week of rest on the resources appropriate to their favorite subjects - while here the forum is technical and narrowly focused.

Respect yourself, and other users of the resource.

Thank you.

So you can not joke about Jews, but you can joke about Jewish programmers?

Just kidding, of course)

Igor Konyashin:

Economic News:

I wonder with what margin of error they determine the average age of Russians and what models and coefficients they use in doing so.

Igor Konyashin:

Economic News:

Awesome 30% margin of error..... it's just a plague )))))

Vladimir Tkach:

I wonder what the margin of error is for determining the average age of Russians and what models and coefficients they use.

Probably the same as:

Someone eats meat and someone eats cabbage, but on average everyone eats cabbage)


No one but me is intimidated by the proximity of these features?


there's also a trick with the input focus - if it's in the list, it somehow gets stuck there and you can easily delete everything you need by pressing the Del button

have stepped on it a couple of times :-)

Vladimir Tkach:

No one but me is intimidated by the proximity of these features?

There is nothing to be intimidated by. The deletion goes to the recycle bin, from where it is easy to restore.