Interesting and Humour - page 4281

Aleksey Levashov:

You're right - it's not a pleasant feeling, I guess. I should have met a girl (woman) :)


Алексей Тарабанов:

Tried to use it. The feeling is - I wish it would end.

What did you want for 2 kopecks? By comparison, ice cream cost 10 kopecks back then.

For 2 kopecks you can only avoid breeding. )))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

i don't remember, because as a student, all i did was fix soviet electronics for acquaintances

The televisions were made in a terrible way, the plastic panels for the lamps were falling apart at the touch, the high-voltage gates (transformers) were always getting punctured, and they cost a lot back then, and you could hardly buy any more.

so don't give me that "ah-ah, what a fucked up country" ))))

I'm not talking about soviet televisions, I'm talking about the first japanese televisions.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Pretty standard leds, 6 watts, 30000 hours

They're pretty weak (not my watch), I looked at my 12W bulbs - 4000-6000K

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I don't remember, because when I was a student I used to fix Soviet electronics around my acquaintances

The televisions were made in a terrible way, the plastic panels for the lamps were falling apart at the touch, the high-voltage gates (transformers) were always getting punctured, and they cost a lot back then, and you could hardly buy any more.

so don't give me that "oh-oh, what a fucked up country" ))))

In the USSR technology was made without any forced obsolescence. But the quality suffered. Since planned economy and five-year plans for 3 years did not stimulate to make qualitative products. But we have had some pretty good quality items and they have served for a very long time. My parents had a soviet built refrigerator which worked for over 30 years and over that period of time it was never once repaired. It was discarded only because it was simply corroded with age, and its motor, after being rebuilt and fitted with a grinding wheel, was still used as a knife sharpening machine and the like.

Vitalii Ananev:

In the USSR, machinery was made without any forced obsolescence. But the quality suffered. Since the planned economy and the five-year plan for 3 years, there was not much incentive to make high quality. But I have come across units of pretty good quality and they have served for a very long time. My parents had a soviet built refrigerator which worked for over 30 years and over that period of time it was never once repaired. The only reason to throw it out was that it was simply corroded with age. The engine was later re-equipped with a sharpening wheel and used as a knife sharpening machine.

Have you seen Soviet receivers from before the war and after the war?

Silver circuits, silver wires and tinned soldering, bulb panels made of special ceramics.

There are examples that still work!

We have a Saratov fridge in our dacha from 1965. It's been running for 53 years without a breakdown. That's the machinery of the USSR.
Pavel Gotkevitch:

This is correct and is natural as the two types of LED lamps have different colour temperatures (measured in K - Kelvin), which does not refer to the amount of heat they give off,
but the visual effect of the light source as perceived by the human eye.
The warm colour (
warm white) is about 3000K and the cool or daylight colour (cool white) is about 6000K.

The photosphere is the outer emitting layer of the Sun. Most of the energy of this layer is entirely expelled from the Sun. The layer is tens to hundreds of kilometres thick and sunspots on it are darker and cooler than the surrounding region. At the base of large sunspots, temperatures can be as high as 4 000 degrees Celsius. The total temperature of the photosphere is about 5 500 degrees Celsius. The Sun's energy is detected as visible light in the photosphere.

Source: © Nature World|


In the bathroom and toilet are minions, saved the packaging, says 4000K, naturally-white light. In the rest of the flat, I do not know, but definitely a warm spectrum. A long time ago I had a fluorescent bulb in my room with a bright cool colour, it was turning blue, I couldn't stand it for long.

The trouble is, there's an old chandelier in my workroom that belongs in a landfill. And its horns are bent upwards. And LEDs shine pretty directionally, unlike incandescent. So one bulb and lights up most of the ceiling )). Plus a table lamp on the rod, the same LED.

But that's the problem with my laziness, I need to get rid of the chandelier and buy a plafond type.

Температура внутри и на поверхности Солнца в градусах по Цельсию
Температура внутри и на поверхности Солнца в градусах по Цельсию
  • 2017.10.03
Солнце самое яркое космическое тело, наблюдаемое на небе Земли, и его температура сильно варьируется от центра к поверхности.
We have a 1965 Saratov fridge in our dacha. Been running for 53 years without a breakdown. That's the stuff of the USSR.

The Jurizan refrigerator is still rattling around in the village, unrepaired from the 60s. Only the rubber on the doors is dried out.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Have you ever seen Soviet receivers from before and after the war?

Silver circuits, silver wires and tinned soldering, bulb panels made of special ceramics.

There are some that still work!

When I was a kid I used to have one of these in the storeroom, I used to play scout with it ))