The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 307

СанСаныч Фоменко:

There was an academician Glushkov, a world-class automatonist and director of the Institute of Cybernetics in Kiev. In the mid-60s he claimed that if he was given the resource, he would be able to create a plan for the country that would take into account every little detail without exception. He had been bamboozling for 10 years because he was more influential than the ministers. I joined the Gosplan in 1978 and everyone there, without exception, thought it was utter nonsense. That's the whole feedback in automatic systems.

You keep trying to navigate the rough seas on a land bike.

You apparently simplify Glushkov's idea on purpose (well, you can't really believe what you've written). But your "understanding" of the role of feedback in SAU you have outlined...

Олег avtomat:

Ты, видимо, специально упрощаешь идею Глушкова (ну не можешь же ты и в самом деле верить в написанное тобою).

This is not my understanding, but a historical fact that had disastrous consequences for computing technology in the country - after the defeat of Glushkov they switched to solid foreign-made stuff, whereas before that they had everything of their own, and even decent stuff
СанСаныч Фоменко:
It's not my understanding, but a historical fact which had disastrous consequences for computing in the country - after Glushkov's defeat they switched to solid foreign stuff, while before that they had everything of their own and very decent

You are talking nonsense. You are turning it upside down...

The historical fact is quite the opposite.



Vera Glushkova, the academician's youngest daughter, told FACTOV correspondent about her father.

- Dad was constantly under the scrutiny of the West, - says a senior researcher of the Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics Vera Glushkova. - The slightest breakthrough, especially when it came to the national automated system of economic management, was followed by negative articles about academician Glushkov in The Washington Post and The Guardian. The young cyberneticist, they say, wants to automate the Kremlin, replace humans with robots, and so on.

- What was the essence of this development by Glushkov?

- Victor Glushkov presented his project to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev back in 1964. The know-how was already ahead of today's Internet, which conquered the world thanks to the speed of information exchange. According to my father's concept, unification of computer centres and automated enterprise management systems in one structure would enable to get a clear picture of what was going on in the national economy and choose the best option for managing each enterprise, each industry. For instance, a computer could determine, that Togliatti plant could produce so many Zhigulas with such parameters at the moment. And so for each product made in the USSR. Daddy understood back in the late 50s that without management automation the economy would crumble.

In the 60s, management of the Soviet Union required the use of computers. Because the country was producing more than 20 thousand kinds of goods, which man could not keep track of production and distribution. Since the USSR had a centralized control system, it was possible to put a computer in all the enterprises and monitor their work from a single centre. Today's bank database, working with customer cards, is a fragment of the system that my father was proposing to implement. It included banks, accounting, including cashless payment of wages, production, transport, and the army... Until now, no other country in the world has done it in full!

The big achievement of the team under Viktor Glushkov was the creation of the Mir electronic computer (ECM). At that time the machines resembled huge cabinets and occupied entire rooms. Created under his father's guidance, the Mir sat on a table top, was based on the basic principles of a PC, so it can be rightly considered the prototype of today's personal computers.

IBM bought the Mir at an exhibition in London in 1967 when no personal computer yet existed. It did so in order to prove in an international court that the programming principle patented by the rival firm was invented long ago by Soviet scientists and used in the Mir. IBM proved this, and there is an international certificate to that effect.

- Let us go back to Academician Glushkov's idea to automate the whole Soviet economy. How did the Kremlin respond to the proposal?

- The project was scrapped. Firstly, the developers were asking for big money for its implementation, which is perfectly understandable. After all, it is rather difficult to put at each enterprise expensive computers (at that time they were large tube machines). Secondly, with the introduction of such a system, the unwieldiness of cumbersome management would become immediately apparent. The same is for managers used to write reports to the top, which could not be checked all over the country whether they were fake or not. The machine control proposed by Glushkov would have reduced the significance of the management pyramid. This they were well aware of...

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Дочь академика Виктора Глушкова Вера: «На отца было совершено два покушения»
Дочь академика Виктора Глушкова Вера: «На отца было совершено два покушения»
Основатель и первый директор Института кибернетики АН УССР академик Виктор Глушков очень любил футбол. И в Институте кибернетики можно было часто наблюдать, как в обеденный перерыв маститые ученые азартно гоняли мяч. По просьбе Валерия Лобановского сотрудники института участвовали в разработке уникальной системы управления тренировками...

Glushkov and his ideas: the cybernetics of the future


Economic management

Among the great multitude of pioneering scientific ideas of Glushkov, it is worthwhile to single out one that he considered to be his life's work. It was the idea of the Nationwide Automated System for Economic Control (OGAS). Even Glushkov himself at the time could not appreciate the role that his idea of the OGAS could, but did not, play in our history. He predicted, of course, that the country would face "great difficulties" in economic management if the role that electronic computing technology was destined to play in this endeavour was not appreciated in time, but even he could not predict that not too much time would pass and the country would not exist at all.

It so happened that it was in connection with the OGAS that the Soviet leadership was confronted with an alternative: either to take the path of improved nationwide production planning, or to take the path of the market as the regulator of production. Viktor Mikhailovich says in his memoirs that this issue was not so easily resolved. For a long time, the top leadership of the USSR hesitated. The very fact that Victor Mikhailovich was asked to lead a committee to prepare materials for the decree of the Council of Ministers to begin work on OHAS says a lot.

It is still not quite clear why the decision to begin the notorious economic reform in 1965, the main idea of which was to make the market the main regulator of production. Here is what one of the heralds of the 1965 market reform, A.M. Birman, writes: "Now the main indicator by which to judge the performance of an enterprise and ... on which all its well-being and direct ability to carry out the production programme will depend is the sales volume indicator (i.e. the sale of products)". That is, the economy was being converted to a market economy.

In 1964, it is unlikely that any serious leader of production or science would have doubted that the future was in the scientific application of computer technology. This is why the idea of the OGAS was very well received at first. It is all the more incomprehensible how it could have happened that the project of the so-called "economists" was favoured at the very last moment. The people who initiated the economic reform in 1965 were little known, they came swooping in like a dream and immediately began to play an almost pivotal role in Soviet economic science. Their activities were directed precisely against the Glushkov project. In the end, they played a fatal role in the abandonment of the program of technical base under the existing at the time planned system of economic management in favour of market mechanisms.

This is how Victor Mikhailovichrecalls it himself:

"Beginning in 1964 (the time when my project was born). Beginning in 1964 (the time when my project appeared), economic scientists Liberman, Belkin, Birman and others, many of whom then left for the United States and Israel, began to openly oppose me. Kosygin, being a very practical person, was interested in the possible cost of our project. According to preliminary calculations, its implementation would cost 20 billion rubles. The bulk of the work could be done in three five-year periods, but only on the condition that this program is organized like the atomic and space programs. I did not conceal from Kosygin that it was more complicated than the space and atomic programs put together, and organizationally much more difficult, because it involved everything and everyone: industry, commerce, planning bodies, management, etc. Although the cost of the project was tentatively estimated at 20 billion roubles, the working scheme of its implementation envisaged that the first 5 billion roubles invested in the first five-year plan would yield more than 5 billion in the end of the five-year plan, as we provided for self-recovery of programme costs. In all, the programme would have added at least 100 billion roubles to the budget over the three five-year periods. And that is a very low figure.

But our grief-stricken economists misled Kosygin into believing that the economic reform would cost nothing, that is, it would cost exactly the same as the paper on which the decree of the Council of Ministers was printed and would produce more in the end.

At this stage of Glushkov's biography it is worth elaborating, firstly, because it turned out to be a watershed for the biography of the USSR, and secondly, because the ideas laid down by Victor Mikhailovich in the basis of the OSAS had not been implemented anywhere else until that time. "The Internet" turned out to be virtually just another type of media and another communication system, whereas Glushkov's main idea was to create a network that would form the basis for the automation of economic management.

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Глушков и его идеи: кибернетика будущего
Глушков и его идеи: кибернетика будущего
  • 2014.07.28
  • За Большевизм!
Кто вы, академик Глушков? Виктор Михайлович Глушков родился 24 августа 1923 года в Ростове-на-Дону в семье горного инженера. В школьные годы Виктор интересовался ботаникой, зоологией, затем геологией и минералогией, позднее — радиотехникой и конструированием радиоуправляемых моделей. В конечном счете, победила физика и математика. Интерес к...

Victor Glushkov and Stafford Beer's legacy for the 21st century state


... Yes, I forgot to say what else contributed to the negative decision on our proposal. The fact is that Garbuzov told Kosygin that the Goskomupr would become the organization through which the CPSU Central Committee would control whether Kosygin and the Council of Ministers as a whole were managing the economy properly. And in doing so, he turned Kosygin against us, and since he objected, naturally, the Goskomupre proposal could not be accepted. But that became known to me two years later.

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This is what the scientist was aiming for! It should be noted that the U.S. intelligence services fully appreciated the seriousness of his intentions. In Glushkov's "Testament" you will also find such thoughts:

"The Americans were the first to get excited. Of course, they do not plan a war with us, it is just a cover, they want to crush our already weak economy with an arms race. And of course, any strengthening of our economy is the worst thing they can do. So they immediately opened fire on me with every conceivable caliber. Two articles appeared first, one in the Washington Post by Victor Zorza and the other in the English Guardian. The first was called "The punch card runs the Kremlin" and was aimed at our leaders. It read as follows: "The czar of Soviet cybernetics, Academician V.M. Glushkov, proposes to replace the Kremlin leaders with computing machines". And so on, a lowbrow article.

The Guardian article was aimed at the Soviet intelligentsia. It said that Academician Glushkov proposes to create a network of computer centres with data banks, that it sounds very modern and more advanced than it is now in the West, but is not done for the economy, but in fact it is an order from the KGB, aimed at stashing the thoughts of Soviet citizens in data banks and keep track of every person".

Glushkov was fully convinced that the CIA had a hand in the campaign against OGAS. But the fact remained that the draft decree of the Council of Ministers, which had already been prepared to begin work on the deployment of OGAS, had been pushed aside.


UDC 004.5



Academician Victor Mikhailovich Glushkov (1923-1982).

An outstanding scientist in the field of mathematics, cybernetics, computer engineering, informatics, permanent director of the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; initiator and organizer of the state projects of creating software and hardware complexes for informatization of economic and military activities of the country; founder of the scientific school in cybernetics.

The main postulates of his scientific work:
- A departure from von Neumann's principles of computer design;
- programming automation;
- paperless informatics.

His works on digital automata theory formed the basis of modern computer design automation tools. He was the first in the world to depart from the von Neumann principles of computer design, proposing and implementing the principles of computer design, based on the structure of mathematical support for the class of problems to be solved. Under his leadership, a series of MIR computers with a high level of machine intelligence (prototype of the first personal computer) was created, the user-friendly interface technology was implemented, and, for the first time in the world, the problem of end-user programming was solved, the family of control computers "Dnepr" was created. His ideas of creation of macroconveyor computers were implemented in EC 2701 (1984) and EC 1766 (1987). Under his leadership were developed the first in the USSR production control systems "Lvov", "Galvanic", created a number of systems for spacecraft flight control centre. He presented the results of his experiments on teaching computers to recognize the meaning of natural language phrases at the IFIP Congress in 1962. His books "Theory of Digital Automata", "Theory of Self-Engineering Systems", "Introduction to Cybernetics", "Introduction to ACS" and others became scientific bestsellers. We have mentioned here the results of only a few of his works out of more than 700 publications.

The journal "Cybernetics" was founded on initiative of V.M.Glushkov; in 1974 the first in the USSR Encyclopedia of Cybernetics (in Ukrainian and Russian) was published.

V.M. Glushkov formulated the idea of creating nation-wide system to manage the country's economy (this main activity of the last years of his life was not perceived by country's leadership, which strengthened painful transition to new forms of government ). V.M. Glushkov put forward the idea of establishing the Cybernetics Centre on the basis of the Institute of Cybernetics. Today this idea has been implemented.

V.M. Glushkov - academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964), Hero of Socialist Labour (1969), Lenin Prize winner (1964), USSR State Prize winner (1968, 1977), Ukraine State Prize winner (1970), Krylov Prize winner (1967). Lenin Prize (1964), USSR State Prize (1968, 1977), Ukrainian State Prize (1970), N.M. Krylov Prize (1967) and S.A. Lebedev Prize (1979), USSR Cabinet of Ministers Prize (1980), Honored Scientist of Ukraine (1978). Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine established Glushkov Prize (1967). V.M. Glushkov Prize was established by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was named after him. The World Computer Society appreciated his contribution posthumously by awarding him with "Pioneer of Computer Science" medal.

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the outstanding scientist of our time Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov, who has been absent for 25 years. But his work and his school live on. The article briefly describes scientific and applied results of V.M. Glushkov's school, as well as the principles of its organization. The reminiscences of his colleagues and pupils are presented, which are particularly moving and meaningful this year. Key words: scientific school, informatics, cybernetics, ethics of relations, principles of computer construction.

The clearest proof of Glushkov's genius is his foresight that information technology will revolutionise all aspects of human activity.

Legacy of Victor Glushkov and Stafford Beer for the state of the XXI century

9 February 2011 | 10:26

Author: Ototsky L.

Publication date:

1. Introduction

The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 clearly showed that the global social organization requires serious modernization.

The justification for the need for such modernization was made by Marx, however, the real embodiment of his ideas led to the emergence of totalitarian regimes, which gradually degenerated into bureaucratic and corrupt hierarchies that could actively develop their weapons, but not provide normal living conditions for the population. However, Marx’s general conclusions about the inevitability of replacing the capitalist system with a more perfect one did not lose their significance, it’s just that the material prerequisites for the “globalization of management” were not yet ripe, and the flourishing of bureaucracy in the “communist regimes” of the past was inevitable for such globalization. In the absence of the necessary material prerequisites, "communism bastards" inevitably arose with their illnesses.

The real material prerequisites for the inevitable social reorganization are connected with the progress of information technologies, which would make it possible to create the “nervous system of the human superorganism” . Even in his book “Cybernetics and Society” ( /go?link= ) or a humane attitude towards a person (The human use of human beings - http://www.ozon. ru/context/detail/id/1856838/ ) “father of cybernetics” Norbert Wiener wrote: “The subsequent development of automation ... convinced me that I was right in my statement [the possibility of creating an automatic factory] and that this development will be one of the greatest factors that determine the social and technical life of the coming century, the key phenomenon of the second industrial revolution”, “It can even be argued that modern means of communication ... make the “world state” inevitable” . And it was the cybernetic nationwide projects of OGAS Glushkov and Cybersyn Bir in the 60-70s of the XX century that were the first attempts to implement the social organization of the future. For a new stage in the practical development of the legacy of Glushkov and Beer in the 21st century, it is useful to analyze in more detail the successes and failures of those pioneering projects.

.2. Start OGAS

In his memoirs ( ) Viktor Mikhailovich describes in detail the history of the development of computer technology in the USSR. One can only be surprised by his energy and enthusiasm in the implementation of cybernetic ideas from the creation of computer technology to attempts to implement the OGAS (National Automated System - ) . In the mid-60s, under the leadership of Glushkov, a draft design of the EGSVTs (Unified State Network of Computing Centers) was developed, which included about 100 centers in large industrial cities and centers of economic regions. These Centers were supposed to be connected with the computer centers of large enterprises, ministries and cluster centers, the total number of which was estimated at 20,000. In his memoirs, Viktor Mikhailovich writes: “The task of building a nationwide automated control system (OGAS) for the economy was assigned to me by the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers (then A.N. Kosygin) in November 1962. I was brought to him by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, M.V. Keldysh, with whom I shared some of my thoughts on this matter.>>

Viktor Mikhailovich wrote: << Characteristic was the presence of a distributed data bank and the possibility of addressless access from any point of this system to any information after automatic verification of the authority of the requester. A number of issues related to information security have been developed. In addition, in this two-tier system, the main computing centers exchange information with each other not by circuit switching and message switching, as is customary now, broken down into letters, I proposed connecting these 100 or 200 centers with broadband channels, bypassing the channel-forming equipment so that you can was to rewrite information from a magnetic tape in Vladivostok to a tape in Moscow without speed reduction. Then all protocols are greatly simplified and the network acquires new properties. This has not yet been implemented anywhere in the world. Our project was secret until 1977.>> In addition, Glushkov wrote:<<...I immediately found it necessary to develop a system of mathematical models for managing the economy in order to see regular flows of information. I told Academician V.S. Nemchinov, who at that time was seriously ill and was lying at home, however, received me, listened to me and, in principle, approved everything. >>

It is significant that at about the same time a very similar project was being made for Chile ( Cybersyn - D1%81%D0%B8%... ) led by Stafford Beer.

3. Beginning of the Cybersyn project

If Glushkov himself was primarily involved in attempts to organize the introduction of OGAS in the USSR, then the introduction of Cybersyn in 1973 in Chile was organized at the state level, and many leading scientists from different countries were involved in the development. Here are just some of the facts.

Firstly, representatives of the Allende government - Fernando Flores and Raul Espejo sent a letter to Beer with an offer to be a consultant in a nationwide project (before that, Beer already had projects in Chile for metallurgy and railway transport). Secondly, to their surprise, Beer almost immediately agreed to this, postponing a number of other projects. “We thought Stafford was going crazy again,” recalls his son Simon . However, for Beer, this act was by no means accidental, since he believed that “the world of the rich has never recognized cybernetics as a tool of control and therefore treated it ridiculously wrong” [1]. He saw the possibility of practical implementation of the fundamental cybernetic ideas that were formulated in his Viable System Model (VSM - Viable System Model - ) . Thirdly, Allende himself, being a principled opponent of the Soviet bureaucratic system, was deeply imbued with Beer's ideas and actively contributed to the project. (As Beer writes in The Brain of the Firm: “It took me about half an hour and a sheet of paper ... to explain to Allende the model of any viable system ... I could not know how prepared the president was for this, but I knew for sure that the president was a qualified medical doctor ... He ... easily accepted the model, called the brain of the company. "The draft design was drawn up in just eight days. "Our group worked for eight days in a row to exhaustion," the scientist recalls.). Fourthly, Beer attracted leading experts from many countries to the project. Thus, the deployment of the all-Chilean information network Cybernet was led by the world-famous Chilean designer Guy Bonspier. Cyberstride's statistical data filtering programs were written by a group of Beer's colleagues in the UK. In this case, the recently published methodological development of Harrison and Stevens of short-term forecasting based on the Bayesian approach was used. To create a real-time simulation model of the Chilean economy (the Checo program), Beer used his connections with US scientists. To implement a multi-level system of algedonic regulation (Algedonic (from Greek pain and pleasure) - referring to regulation in a non-analytical sense [1], he took as a prototype the experiments of his son Simon and his devices created in the UK, and also contacted the CEREN institute, engaged in sociology, and finalized their concepts with two leading sociologists of Chile.Beer discussed the theoretical issues of autostability of a viable system with the outstanding Chilean scientist Humberto Maturana - the author of the famous model of self-reproducing systems (Autopoietic Systems - ) The equipment for the operational "heart" of the system - the Situation Center (Operations Room - ) - was worked on by several firms in the UK according to the drawings of the Chilean group Guy Bonspier.

It is important that the Cybersyn project ) had a deep scientific foundation VSM Bir, based on laws that are universal in any viable system, even in a living organism, even at the production site, even at the state level.

Within the framework of the Cybersyn project, in less than a year, about 70% of the socio-industrial economy of the country was covered by the system, including approximately 400 industrial enterprises in the Cybernet network (Cybernet - ).

4. Sad results of the OGAS and Cybersyn projects

Descriptions of the OGAS and Cybersyn projects are on Wikipedia - , . Both projects were not realized then, but for different reasons..

The OGAS project was created in the conditions of the bureaucratic-hierarchical system of the USSR, for which OGAS was fundamentally alien. In fact, Glushkov was forced to “break through” almost every decision of his “at the top” of the hierarchy, which, of course, delayed the practical implementation of the project. Here is what Glushkov writes in his memoirs ( ) <<... In connection with this, I wrote a separate note to the Central Committee of the CPSU, which surfaced many times, then disappeared again , but no decision on the creation of a cashless settlement system was ever made. Having completed the drafting, we handed it over to the members of the commission for consideration.>> ... <<Unfortunately, after the consideration of the draft by the commission, almost nothing remained of it, the entire economic part was withdrawn, only the network itself remained. The seized materials were destroyed, burned, as they were secret. We were not even allowed to have a copy at the institute. Therefore, we, unfortunately, will not be able to restore them.>>… <<In June 1964, we submitted our project to the government for consideration. In November 1964, a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers took place, at which I reported on this project. Naturally, I did not keep silent about the objection of the CSO. The decision was this: to entrust the finalization of the project to the CSB, involving the Ministry of the Radio Industry in this.>> .,, <<Gosplan demanded two years for this, and it was already 1966. Until 1968, they procrastinated, procrastinated, but did absolutely nothing. And instead of a preliminary design, they prepared an order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR that, since the economic councils were very wisely liquidated and the sectoral method of management was restored, now there is nothing to worry about. It is necessary that all ministries create sectoral systems, and they will automatically become a nationwide system. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief - nothing needs to be done, and such an order was given. It turned out OGAS - a combined hodgepodge.>><<… Shelest called me and told me to temporarily stop propaganda of OGAS and deal with lower-level systems.>>And time passed! And already in 1969<<... Our question was considered twice at the Poliburo. At one meeting, the essence of the matter was considered, they agreed with it and said that the OGAS should be done. But how to do it - whether the State Committee or something else - this caused controversy.>><<… Yes, I forgot to say what else contributed to the negative decision on our proposal. The fact is that Garbuzov told Kosygin that the State Committee for Economic Affairs would become an organization with the help of which the Central Committee of the CPSU would control whether Kosygin and the Council of Ministers as a whole were managing the economy correctly. And with this set Kosygin against us, and since he objected, then, naturally, the proposal for the State Committee could not be accepted. But this became known to me two years later.>><<… And then a campaign was undertaken to reorient the main efforts and funds to process control. This blow was very accurately calculated, because both Kirilenko and Leonid Ilyich are technologists by education, so it was close and clear to them. In 1972, the All-Union Conference was held under the leadership of A.P. Kirilenko, where the main roll was made in the direction of process control in order to slow down the work on the automated control system, and the automated process control system to go full speed.>> . Even these excerpts from Glushkov's memoirs show that the bureaucratic-hierarchical system that existed then in the USSR actually fought against the creation of the OGAS, because it felt its danger to its existence! The OGAS system was designed based on the experience of creating lower-level systems for enterprises (“Lviv” and “Kuntsevo” systems - ) . However, if the level of the enterprise practically did not affect the then existing bureaucratic system of the USSR, then the OGAS was directly introduced into it and was fundamentally alien to it!

Unlike OGAS, Cybersyn was actually launched in Chile, but destroyed during the Pinochet coup, which was organized by the United States with the connivance of the USSR. The Allende regime was a thorn in the side of both the US and the USSR. The United States was afraid of a second Cuba, and the USSR was afraid of a second Czechoslovakia. In both Czechoslovakia and Chile, the USSR was a dangerous example of the fundamental elimination of rigid bureaucratic pyramids, which are considered the main evil in the Beer VSM model and which were the basis of the Soviet governance structure. Moreover, the USSR had just suppressed the “new path” in Czechoslovakia and did not want it to be repeated in Chile. Then the USSR missed the opportunity of a much softer restructuring than it happened 20 years later in 1993.

5. Revival of Interest in the Cybersyn Legacy

The "Islands" that continued the legacy of the VSM persisted primarily among Beer's colleagues in the UK, but after the removal of Pinochet, a revival began in Chile as well. Thus, in 2006, a group of Cybersyn heritage revival enthusiasts received a grant from the new government of Chile and not only developed a website ( ), but also presented it at an exhibition in Karlsruhe in 2007 - and at an exhibition in Berlin in 2008 - .

Even after Beer's death in 2002, annual Metaphorum conferences dedicated to Beer's legacy began to be organized. So, at the 2005 conference in Dublin ( ) there was a report by Andrey Sergeev from Ukraine (who then studied in England with Beer's staff) about the possibility of using VSM in Ukraine ( http:/ / ) . Unfortunately, after returning home, Andrei's initiatives were not accepted then. Only his article about Beer's legacy remained ( ).

Several Portals have also appeared abroad, specifically dedicated to the development of Bir's heritage: Cybernetics_and_Sociaty- .

Collaboration Nets - , Cybernetics North - . A group appeared at the IPM them. Keldysh in Moscow, which not only organizes VSM training at its Center - , but also makes appropriate developments for regional level control systems (Moscow region, Chuvashia - /content/view/40/49/ ) . Since in his VSM Beer showed the fundamental similarity of the structure of a viable system at any level of hierarchy, at least for a production site, at least for an enterprise, at least for a region, at least for a state, at least for a system of states (the recursive principle in VSM terminology), then, in contrast to Chile, where the system was at the state level, began to create real projects at lower levels. In addition to the above projects in Russia, systems of a lower level than the state are being created abroad ( ) .

And there were also groups of young people in Russia who are interested in VSM after publications in the press ( , /ora_menu.htm ) . They have already organized the relevant sites: ( , , ). And in 2010, a Web-seminar was even organized between the VSM-club in Moscow and the Technical Director of the Cybersyn project Raul Espejo in England - ) .

A new interest in the heritage of Cybersyn appeared after the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, as the fundamental imperfection of the existing world organization was clearly manifested, the flaws of which were repeatedly emphasized by Beer, indicating the direction of its modernization - . It is no coincidence that my report on the significance of the legacy of Beer and Glushkov was accepted at the PARADISO2009 conference dedicated to the problems of the Global Crisis - , and the next conference of the Birs Metaphorum-2009

( ) was also devoted to the issue of preventing such Global Crises.

6. Conclusion

As a conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that it is time to return from the period of disunity of the former Soviet republics to their new integration on a completely different basis, which is the foundation not only for their integration, but also for a new world integration, without which global world problems. As Beer wrote ( ) “I believe that the number of people experiencing agony at the present time is greater than ever before. Their number may even be greater than the total number of those suffering in all previous history. I'm talking about famine and epidemics, war and terrorism, loss, exploitation and physical torture. I repeat about the world's agony, and do not talk about "hard times". In the wake of a new rise in interest in the legacy of Bir and Glushkov, the structure of interaction between the former republics of the USSR, and above all Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, can be modernized, since there are still specialists in Glushkov’s OGAS, specialists who are well acquainted with the legacy of Bir (for example, Andrey Sergeev ) and specialists familiar with the legacy of the director of the famous Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology in Minsk Nikolai Veduta - B0,_%D0%9... .

It is still necessary to take part in the fact that in the past time with the global development of the Internet

many new opportunities for globalization have also appeared, for example, the significant “electronicization” of the exchange of product data between suppliers and consumers, minimizing the participation of a slow and error-prone “human link” ( ) . And this should also be taken into account at the new stage of introducing the legacy of Glushkov, Bir and Veduta in the 21st century.


1. Stafford Beer - "The Brain of the Firm" -

OGAS © 2011



The danger is not that machines will start thinking like humans, but that humans will start thinking like machines.

V.M. Glushkov

...Any purposeful human activity is inevitably connected with the need to extract, process and store information.

V.M. Glushkov

...OGAS does not command the economy, it only commands the flow of information about the state of the economy.

V.M. Glushkov

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18 августа 2012г. ушел из жизни доктор технических наук , профессор,  лауреат Государственной премии СССР (1977г.) - ...