Interesting and Humour - page 383


To all those leaving a foreign country, preferably permanently and irrevocably, this is dedicated:


To all those leaving a foreign country, preferably permanently and irrevocably, this is dedicated:

I just don't know who's leaving "preferably forever and ever"?

To all those who are going to a foreign country, preferably permanently and irrevocably, this is dedicated:

I am very amused by the blind loyalty to my country, the display of superviours of the homeland and slogans like: there is no need to go abroad, we need to raise our country from its knees.

In order:

  • Blind Loyalty: If they say an American is bad and should be killed, will you do it? Will you sleep well afterwards? What if it's a woman?
  • ♪ Supervillains of the motherland: How often do you just admire them? ♪ Honestly? Do you keep them? Have you seen nature abroad? Is it worse?
  • You need to raise your country from its knees: Do you often help your unfamiliar countrymen? Or somehow participate in improving the standard of living rather than just existing?

Opinions are stamped, thoughts are stamped. Even criticism is clichéd. Bummer.

It's pointless and useless. Let's move on.


I am very amused by the blind loyalty to my country, the display of superviours of the homeland and slogans such as: no need to go abroad, we need to raise our country from its knees.

In order:

  • Blind loyalty: If they say that an American is bad and should be killed, will you do it? Will you sleep well afterwards? What if it's a woman?
  • Supervillains of the motherland: How often do you just admire them? Honestly? Do you keep them? Have you seen nature abroad? Is it worse?
  • We need to lift our country off its knees: Do you often help your unfamiliar compatriots? Or do you take part in improving the standard of living in some way, rather than just existing?

Is it possible to be so unhappy? At your young age? You obviously have nothing to appreciate in the world around you (or world?) Go there. It is true that 1) nature is better there, 2) they pay better money for scrubbing shitholes, 3) unemployment benefits are higher, 4) children appreciate their parents by visiting them in a nursing home. Go for it.
Is it possible to be so unhappy? At your young age? You obviously have nothing to appreciate in the world around you (or world?) Go there. It is true that 1) nature is better there, 2) they pay better money for scrubbing shitholes, 3) the unemployment benefit is higher, 4) children appreciate their parents by visiting them in a nursing home. Go for it.
Why is it unhappy? :)
I purposely bought a mountain bike, a tablet, travel around Vladimir (4 months here), admire the nature, including the monuments of art (more than 10 hours a week).
I work at a well-paid job, I only wash the litter box at home:).

I do not receiveunemployment benefits. I appreciate my parents.

But as soon as possible, or rather as more time will be free, I will take off first to the near abroad, then far, to study the culture and types of nature.

I certainly understand that it is difficult for many people to think with their head, and it is easier to take a ready-made opinion, but it is not for me.
My assessment of the world is based on experience and observation, not on the abstract chatter of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

Oh yes, I value my homeland and if I have to defend it, I will defend the people, not the inflated bubble of national "dignity".

Here are a couple of photos by the way, taken by myself at 6am (a little bike ride)=)

Here's a couple of pics by the way, taken by myself at 6am (little bike ride)=)

Nice. ))) Even felt the chill of the morning looking at the photos. )))
Handsome. ))) Even felt the fresh chill of the morning looking at the photo. )))

Sunrise trend while getting from place to place :)