Interesting and Humour - page 389



The 10 stupidest crimes

10th place: A young American mother was arrested during a scouting convention her son was attending. While she was watching a policeman showing the kids the work of a drug-sniffing search dog, the dog found a bag of weed in her purse.

9th place: A young man with a shotgun walked into a convenience store and demanded cash from the cash register. After the money was loaded into the bag, he saw a large bottle of whiskey and demanded to add it to the money, but was refused by the clerk, the clerk had doubts that the robber was over 21. After some wrangling, the robber took out his driving licence and showed it to the clerk, who, after careful examination, agreed to the legality of receiving the alcohol and packed the bottle in his bag. And so they parted. However, they did not part for long, because after two hours, the robber was taken by the police in his own flat, because the seller gave the name and address on his license!

No. 8: A lady reported her car stolen to the police, saying that there was a mobile phone in the car. The officer phoned and said he had been looking for a car like that in a newspaper ad and had been dreaming about it for a long time. We arranged a meeting. We met. Arrest, trial, jail.

7th place: An American citizen decides to rob a bank. He went to the Bank of America and scrawled something like "This robbery, put all the money in a bag" on a deposit form, then humbly stood in a queue to the counter. But then doubts came to him, what if somebody had seen how and what he had written? Maybe the police had already been called? So he left the bank, going across the street to Wells Fargo Bank. The queue there was much smaller, and there it was, the longed-for moment: our hero is handing a note to a girl-operator. The operator, an intelligent girl, has decided that the robber is not too bright, and she answered that he cannot accept this note, as it was written on the letterhead of Bank of America and here is Wells Fargo. So he can rewrite it on Wells Fargo letterhead or go back to Bank of America. The slightly distraught robber, oddly enough, left the bank and the girl immediately called the police. Five minutes later he was caught. Guess where? That's right, across the street, in line at the BoA window.

6th place: An English driver was picked up by an automatic radar. Some time later, he received a £40 receipt in the post from the police and a photo of his car. Instead of paying, he simply sent the police a photo of the £40 . A few days later he again received an envelope which again contained a photo, this time a photo: of handcuffs. The artistic power of this photo turned out to be fantastic - the receipt was paid the same day.

5th place: At his trial in Michigan, drug possession defendant Christopher Jansen claimed he was searched without a warrant. The prosecutor responded that Jansen's jacket was somehow oddly tucked away at the time of the search, and the officer suspected there was a gun under the jacket, in which case he didn't need a warrant. "Total nonsense," said Jansen, "I'm wearing the same jacket as then, where can I hide a pistol here? " With these words he took off his jacket and gave it to the judge. Who found a bag of cocaine in the pocket of the jacket. The hearing had to be adjourned as the judge could hardly sit up for five minutes with laughter.

4th place: Oklahoma: The defendant in the armed robbery case, Dennis Newton, sent his lawyer to hell and defended himself, and he was doing very well, until the prosecutor called a witness - a lady, the manager of the robbery shop, who identified him. Denis jumped up, accused the witness of lying, and said in his heart "I wish I had blown your empty head off then! ", though he was quick to add:- "If only I'd been there:" It took the jury only 20 minutes to decide that 30 years would do the trick!

3rd place: Detroit: A walking young man turned his attention to a police outfit showing the county kids the new computer installed in their patrol car. When asked how the thing worked, the policeman took his driving licence and started typing in the data. A few seconds later the poor guy was bound by all the rules, for the computer screen rebuked him for an armed robbery committed two years ago in St. Louis, Missouri.

No. 2: Detroit again: A pair of robbers burst into a record shop, nervously waving the muzzles of their revolvers from side to side. One of them yelled: "Nobody move!!!" When his partner jerked towards the cash register, true to his word, he shot his partner.

1st place winner: An American gentleman bought a box of very expensive and rare cigars. So expensive and rare that he even insured them, among other things, against fire. A month later, the cigars were already gone, and he hadn't even paid the first premium on the policy. That didn't stop him from contacting the insurance company, claiming the cigars were lost due to "a series of small fires" (here you must understand that "fire" and "fire" are the same word in English - translator's note).

The company refused to pay, reasonably stating that he had consumed the cigars in the most natural way for a cigar. Well, the gentleman went to court and won. In the judgment, the judge acknowledged that the claim was, to put it bluntly, frivolous, but at the same time there was a policy in place, the cigars were insured against fire, and the policy did not determine the "desirability" or "permissibility" of any type of fire. So the insurers should be paid. The insurers didn't bother with a long and costly appeal and paid $15,000 for the "burnt" cigars. However, it was not possible to enjoy the new free cigars because the gentleman was arrested as soon as he received the cash on the cheque. On the basis of the same policy and his own testimony in court, he was charged with 24 counts of wilful destruction of insured property through arson. The new trial resulted in 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine...

2 : 0

But it was real fun, especially when the French nearly conceded three times in a row.

It's pretty obvious, you don't score, you score.

By the way, the Swedes also made the Britons sweat, although they lost 3-2

Mischek: 2 : 0
What are you so excited about?
And what are you so happy about?

Well, I'm not even asking which character in the picture you associate me with.

But the "let's go out" question ...doesn't leave me much room for maneuver.

I'm happy to lose to Ukraine.


three times in a row the French nearly missed out.

almost doesn't count. :)
A little doesn't count. :)

I agree that history does not allow subjunctive moods, but in real time, emotions were running high.

That's exactly what I said would be fun.

Because of the rain, there was no clear advantage for the French (they are not Britons used to a wet pitch), so this lottery could have been different.


Russia play Greece in Warsaw today.

The Greeks will fight to win otherwise there is no point, Russia are happy with a draw, so they will play from defence.

There could be some surprises.