Interesting and Humour - page 3768

Dmitry Fedoseev:

... You have to look at the real world, not at propaganda videos.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

... I went shopping, looking for a light bulb with a high colour temperature and all the shops said "Huh? What's that?" and stared at me in amazement. Of the 4 shops, only one didn't have a wild reaction when asked about the colour temperature, but they had other things...

I'm sorry. Do you feel better?

In our parts of the world, even if they don't know the terminology, they bluntly show you how the light shines. But.

No one has ever cancelled the harm of monochrome light, so I use incandescent bulbs myself, for 10-15 rubles each. They last about three months. Lighting is mainly local, it does not affect the consumption of electricity. So-so.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What do you want from the women in the shops? To understand electronics, light bulbs, physics? These are ordinary devices to dispense goods and to punch a receipt.
Salespeople have to understand the product they are selling.
Andrew Petras:

I'm sorry. Do you feel better?

In our parts of the world, even if they don't know the terminology, they bluntly show you how it shines. But.

No one has ever cancelled the harm of monochrome light, so I use incandescent bulbs myself, for 10-15 rubles each. They last about three months. Lighting is mainly local, it does not affect the consumption of electricity. So that's how it is.

You really thought that I was so hard to find a lamp with a high colour temperature, and none other necessarily for living room lighting? There's a good video above about shields, have a look.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Did you really think that I was looking so hard for a lamp with a high colour temperature and no other necessarily for residential lighting? There's a good video above about shields, check it out.

No. I wrote it for those who don't think twice when buying lamps.

Glad you liked the video.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I watched 1 minute and 11 seconds. "They say they're milking chickens in Moscow." But in fact - the day before yesterday I went shopping, looking for a light bulb with a high colour temperature and all the shops - "huh? What is it?" and staring at me in surprise. Out of 4 shops only one did not have a wild response to the question about the colour temperature, but they had other surprises. But there was flying into space, an experimental 3D printer's house...

By contrast, remembering the 1980s, the Japanese developed a LCD monitor but said they would never see it, it was too expensive... and then, just like that, they flooded the world with cheap LCD monitors.

That's why you should look at the real world and not propaganda videos.

There you go. All you have to do is cite an illiterate salesman to blot out everything the country has done in 3 months. A rebuttal like: - and you have Negroes being hanged.)

I couldn't live in a country if I hated it so much).


Comparison of the spectra of lamps.

  • The yellow line is the sun.
  • The green line is an LED.
  • Red - incandescent bulb.
  • Dark blue - mercury lamp.

LED bulbs are not bad at all, the spectrum is very similar to that of sunlight.


There you go. To blot out everything the country has done in 3 months, all you have to do is cite an illiterate salesman. A rebuttal like: - and you've got Negroes hanging.)

I couldn't live in a country if I hated it so much).

Maybe I live in a different country.

What is interesting about living in an illusion? So they fly to space, so they built a house with a 3D printer. So what?

Can the MT terminal be called a messenger?
Do you think MQ will mandatorily require tying to the phone?
Soon there will be an article in the μl forum rules for mishandling)))))
Sergey Dzyublik:
Can the MT terminal be called a messenger?
Do you think MQ will necessarily require a link to a phone?

Not likely.