Interesting and Humour - page 3761

Oleg Tsarkov:

Read this, for example:

Have you personally seen everything described in this article? What is written in this article does not fit the historical or contemporary reality. It sounds like bullshit. How did you manage to find the article in the first place? How much you personally know about the history of the American Indians? You did not notice any trick in the article?

And they are protesting because you can protest there. If they were as oppressed as history tells us, they wouldn't be on strike.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I lived in a state that did not regulate predators and herbivores due to the complete absence of both. The state GUARANTEED security, education and the right to work. For ambitious members of society, it implemented grandiose projects. And we had it all.

And now "predators and herbivores".

The state in which you lived was destroying its own people - everyone was a herbivore except for the ruling class and the parasitic stratum, to which (the stratum), by the way, you belong (which makes you mad).

Security was not and never was guaranteed by the state. SanSanych, did you serve in the army?

What kind of education did you have - look at you, you still can't multiply complex numbers.

The right to work - think about how absurd the wording itself looks. There should be a right to life.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Have you personally seen everything described in this article? What is written in this article does not fit the historical or modern reality. It looks like bullshit. How much do you personally know about the history of the American Indians? You did not notice any trick in the article?

You're trolling me, you can say that about anything that doesn't suit you. The RIA is a pretty decent news portal, I personally believe it.

And you, I see, are personally acquainted with the leaders and have studied history extensively. There is no catch here. The naked truth of life and money.

Oleg Tsarkov:

You're trolling me, you can say that about anything you don't like. RIA is a pretty decent news portal, I personally believe it.

And you, I see, are personally acquainted with the leaders and have studied history extensively. There is no catch here. The naked truth of life and money.

Yes you all have trolls and everyone trolls you. Yes, I have taken an active and deep interest in American Indian culture and their history as well. And what's interesting is that even from American books, they don't try to hide the unsightly parts of their history.

The naked truth of life is that they were finally oppressed a few centuries ago... but no it turns out there are thousands of them involved in the protest. Those are the oppressed and broken.

Oh and speaking of birdie - Puerto Rico is joining the US.

Oleg Tsarkov:

With such an income in the US, you can forget about medicine, you will die at home, and if they cure you, they will take everything away. According to their laws, if you can't pay the interest on the house, even if you almost pay it, but something happens and you lose your job or get sick, the bank takes the property and you are left with nothing.

And the Russian ones don't? And in general it's indicative that you can't even talk back properly, you remember loans and houses, given that mortgages in Russia are proverbial)))

Medicine is a separate topic.

But what am I saying, the Penders are the enemy, they are monsters and they are not even human beings, any representative of our beautiful people is better than a Pender. Not to mention the colour of the nation like San Sanzanich ))

I'd rather have medicine where you just die at home (at least you can do it in peace). It is better to have medicine like in the Soviet Union - if you want or not want, they don't ask you, you just have to. It was called training for the army - some had their tonsils out, others had other surgeries - as long as they took you from 18 to 20 years old.

What am I saying anyway, the Penders are the enemy, they are nothing but monsters who are not even human, any representative of our beautiful cattle is better than a Pender. Not to mention the colour of the nation like san-sanych ))

You're retorting, I didn't say that. I didn't even imply that.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

You all have trolls and everyone trolls you. Yes, I have taken an active and deep interest in American Indian culture and, for that matter, in their history. And what's interesting is that even from American books, they don't try to hide the unsightly parts of their history.

The naked truth of life is that they were still finally oppressed a few centuries ago... but no it turns out there are thousands of them involved in the protest. Those are the oppressed and broken.

Oh and speaking of birdie, Puerto Rico is joining the US.

There are a lot of sources, you can read about it, it's your topic)).

Oleg Tsarkov:

There are plenty of sources, you can enlighten yourself, it's your topic))

Already replied, read it carefully.

Not to mention the colour of the nation like san-sanych ))

I am not the colour of the nation of the past system. I'm a PhD who got by on his own hump, having two kids and regularly 3 rubles a week before my paycheck.

I don't want anything to do with the modern "colour of the nation" at all.

I am better than others only in what I can DO better than others.

Socialism, which I defend here, was based precisely on the evaluation of human performance. which is why it is extremely rare for children to reach the heights of their outstanding parents under socialism. But the opposite is true: there were outstanding people whose parents were simple labourers.