Interesting and Humour - page 3771

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It looks exactly like a plaid bag, and it might be one, but with leatherette handles :)

More like a monkey butt bag, a rare breed.

Galina Bobro:

I saw the handbag -

My husband is shocked by the price.

And it reminds me of something...

What is it and how did you get in? Looks like a Soviet rarity shop.

Here's a basket for 2tz -

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Balenciaga Bistrot Tote S | | Women's Panier Handbags
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Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is it and how did you get in? Looks like a Soviet rarity shop.

Here's a basket for 2tz -

Before you buy a basket, it is advisable to order a deflopé from a better restaurant.


Interesting dates

On June 18, 860 Askold's and Dir's forces took the Byzantine capital under siege.

"In the summer of 6374 Askold and Dir went to the Greeks and came to the 14th summer of Michael the king", - with these words the Tale of the Time Years describes a military march of the legendary princes of Kiev to the capital of the Byzantine empire Constantinople.

This campaign was continuation of campaigns Russ on Roman cities - Surozh (Sudak) at the end VIII - the beginning of IX centuries and Amastrid (city on southern coast of Black sea, now Turkish Amasra) about 842. Only now the Russian army swung on the capital of the most powerful empire

18 июня 860 года дружины Аскольда и Дира взяли в осаду столицу Византии
18 июня 860 года дружины Аскольда и Дира взяли в осаду столицу Византии
«В лето 6374 иде Аскольд и Дир на греки и приидоша в 14-е лето Михаила царя», - такими словами описывает Повесть Временных Лет военный поход легендарных киевских князей на столицу Византийской империи Константинополь. Этот поход являлся продолжением походов руссов на ромейские города – Сурож (Судак) в конце VIII - начале IX веков и Амастриду...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is it and how did you get in? Looks like a Soviet rarity shop.

Thought this picture was fake. Decided to check out what's on sale these days and here it is...

Galina Bobro:

I thought this picture was a fake. Decided to check out what's on sale these days and here it is...

It's clearly a fake.)
Vitaly Muzichenko:
The photo is clearly a kolhoz)
Micro or even nano-sewing :)
Vitaly Muzichenko:
It's clearly a kolkhoz in the photo.)

It's a scam for suckers. It's called haute couture.


it's about time the manufacturer of these bags showed up, advertising is done!

Or is it the competitors trying to mislead them?