Interesting and Humour - page 3767

Alexander Laur:

Information for reflection:

1. Who says what and why

2. the betrayal test.

I hope these two examples will help you to further "separate the wheat from the chaff" in discussions about the problems of your country.

Your ideologues would do well to study history first. Don't you know that Matrosov was an enlisted man?
Andrey Dik:


Also, just for the sake of reflection. Name me at least one revolutionary leader who was useful to society before his revolutionary activities. So that he would have worked as a turner with the 6th degree for 30 years, taught the youth the skills and tricks of his trade, or been the best neurosurgeon for 20 years, or written children's tales and poems for 40 years, and then boom - leader of the revolutionary! There are no such revolutionaries, all worthless individuals for society, they are just cunningly constructed to make a life for themselves on the bones of others.

So a turner, a neurosurgeon, etc. - are creators. And any revolutionary is a destroyer.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

So a turner, a neurosurgeon, etc. - are creators. Any revolutionary is a destroyer.
That's what I said. But a revolutionary leader is not just a destroyer, he is a cunning, unprincipled destroyer.
Andrey Dik:


Also, just for the sake of reflection. Name me at least one revolutionary leader who had a utility to society before his revolutionary activities. So that he would have worked as a turner with the 6th degree for 30 years, taught the youth the skills and tricks of his trade, or been the best neurosurgeon for 20 years, or written children's tales and poems for 40 years, and then boom - leader of the revolutionary! There are no such revolutionaries, all worthless individuals for society, they are just cunningly constructed to make a life for themselves on the bones of others.

Lech Walesa, it seems, was a simple electrician, but became the leader of political movement in Poland. He must have had a good tongue. That's the most important thing for a politician. When I served as head of the radio-technical service at the missile base, our deputy general officer used to joke: "You have to clean up your workplace at the end of the day, but I don't have to, I just shut my mouth and that's it".)
Andrey Dik:
That's what I said. But a revolutionary leader is not just a destroyer, it is a cunning, unprincipled destroyer.

And what about your beloved Soviet Union? It was the result of a revolution.
Lech Walesa, it seems, was a simple electrician and became the leader of a political movement in Poland. Apparently he had a good tongue. That is the most important thing for a politician. When I served as the head of radio-technical service at the missile base, our deputy general officer used to joke: "You have to clean your workplace at the end of the day, but I don't have to, I just shut my mouth and that's all).
A simple electrician? - Everyone has some kind of speciality after their primary education, but that's not the point. The question is whether he was useful to society BEFORE his revolutionary activities?
Andrew Petras:

I watched 1 minute and 11 seconds. "They say they're milking chickens in Moscow." But the fact is that the day before yesterday I went shopping, looking for a light bulb with a high colour temperature, and all the shops - "huh? What is it?" and stared at me with amazement. Out of 4 shops only one did not have a wild response to the question about the colour temperature, but they had other surprises. But there was flying into space, an experimental 3D printer's house...

By contrast, remembering the 1980s, the Japanese developed a LCD monitor but said they would never see it, it was too expensive... and then, just like that, they flooded the world with cheap LCD monitors.

That's why you should look at the real world and not propaganda videos.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I watched 1 minute and 11 seconds. "They say they're milking chickens in Moscow." But the fact is that the day before yesterday I went shopping, looking for a light bulb with a high colour temperature, and all the shops - "huh? What is it?" and stared at me with amazement. Out of 4 shops only one did not have a wild response to the question about the colour temperature, but they had other surprises. But there was flying into space, an experimental 3D printer's house...

By contrast, remembering the 1980s, the Japanese developed a LCD monitor but said they would never see it, it was too expensive... and then, just like that, they flooded the world with cheap LCD monitors.

That's why you should look at the real world and not propaganda videos.

What do you want from the women in the shops? To know about electronics, light bulbs, physics? It's just a simple device to dispense goods and punch a receipt.
Alexander Laur:

Information for reflection:

1. Who says what and why

2. the betrayal test.

I hope these two examples will help you to further "separate the wheat from the chaff" in discussions about the problems of your country.

One more question - is the Wehrmacht mixed up with the Reichstag, or the Reichstag with the Wehrmacht, by any chance?