Interesting and Humour - page 3702

Alexander Antoshkin:

Yura, don't worry, everything is thought over. Just think about it: if a man has hair on his body, it means a happy life.

Also, while our ancestors were entirely covered with wool, they behaved more wisely than the present hairless tribe.
However, nature has still kept our wool in most important places. What is the most important thing to protect from harmful radiation? First, reproductive organs... and there is a protection here regardless of sex! And, note, it appears when it is necessary, that is, at the beginning of puberty. Secondly, the head, the brain... That's why the head is hairy. If there is nothing to protect, hair, as it is known, falls off, as nature is thrifty. Especially with age they fall off, at least protect a senile person, at least not. But for some reason it's less common for women... and you have to wonder why Mother Nature thinks women's brains need protection more. And men - for some reason, the lower part of head, where the beard is, is weaker before EM radiation - who can say why so?
Then everyone has protection under their armpits... but here the heart is close, it has its own frequency and should not be disturbed by external rhythms.

we can hint that the ancient clothing made of animal skins with fur may attest to the existence of an ancient civilization in which protection from man-made EMR of computers and cellular phones was solved in such an environmentally friendly and simple way)))

Sasha, I'm not worried!

But we must give credit and admit that ancient people were not stupider than we are today.

About hairiness - I'm ready to argue with you and even discuss some piquant subtleties.

This is a series of natural selection, sometimes females like a hairy man and sometimes a completely bald man and it is all governed by natural selection!

Smart females do not like the hairiness of the man - but the cleverness of the man, less developed females like beauty.

I have a feeling that females prefer beauty to brains, otherwise there would be fewer such unreasonable laws...

Alexander Antoshkin:
natureis wise, and the "hairiness": short and long, is used very actively, and is repeated (copied: the principle, the idea) everywhere. here: flies are not humans, and not bears, but the principle is the same.

I'm ready to put my idea on the table!

Alexander Antoshkin:
What does a fly need those hairy bits for? For warmth - no, they are of little use. To please the female? I don't think flies have that kind of tenderness... But if you dig deeper, in the direction of EM... Nature is wise!

Hey Sasha! It's not that simple!

A smart man in a cold winter - the female doesn't need a smart man - but a hairy one will keep her warm... not everything is that simple in this world!

It's natural selection!

Alexander Antoshkin:

Yes, that's what I'm saying .... The bear has one thing in common: thermal insulation + EM shielding ... The fly ... well, probably towards the EM is more important, maybe EM communication, communication, protection .........

and many of the great ones have beards ... what for?!

beard - some females like it! it is also a subject - related to breeding


Alexander Antoshkin:
зачем мухе эти шерстинки? Для теплоты - ну нет, толку от них мало. Для того, чтоб самке больше понравиться? Вряд ли у мух существуют такие нежности... Но если копнуть поглубже, в сторону ЭМ... Природа мудра!

the beard - some females like it! it's also a subject - related to breeding

Women should give their opinion, we could be wrong.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
It's up to the women to give their opinion, we could be wrong.

Yes yes - totally agree - we can't just be wrong!

We can just get sent to...

It could just be a subjective personal feeling.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yes yes - totally agree - we can't just be wrong!

We can just be sent to the...

It could just be a subjective personal feeling.
For example, I'm completely ignorant of judging men's beauty and/or attractiveness. It seems to me that the exaltation of Brad is the ravings of women.
Yuriy Zaytsev:


Smart females do not like hairiness - but the mind of a man, less developed females like beauty.

I have a feeling that nowadays females prefer beauty to brains, otherwise there would be fewer such stupid laws...

Basically for females beauty, mind, intellect and erogenous zone are in the purse of the man).
Basically for females, beauty, intelligence, intelligence and the erogenous zone are in a man's wallet.)

that's for sure!

But hairiness in a cold winter would be cooler

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
For example, I'm completely ignorant about judging men's beauty and/or attractiveness. It seems to me that Brad's exaltation is the ravings of women.

Brad Pitt?

Yusuf - well you have to hand it to Brad Pitt - no it's not bullshit! it's reality

You and I obviously can't go up against him.

Almost any female - go to hell Yusuf ... Juraz - but any other user of the site - even the most brutal and cool - compared to Brad Pitt - noooooo not go for it

You have a house in the Maldives? That's not a problem for him.

and imagine if he still loved her! and we don't stand a chance!!!