Interesting and Humour - page 3672

Is the world coming to an end again?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Is it the end of the world again?

Another asteroid, Tunguska didn't make it, Chelyabinsk didn't even scare it.

There was already a suggestion to close all deposits and go to Brazil to mulatto women.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Is the world coming to an end again?

"Comrade, are you scared? Don't worry, dear, we can't be afraid of big trouble."

The world is not coming to an end, proof at the end of the video )))) (and the devil was right, wasn't she?).


Spring is coming: "one step forward, two steps back":


hemp is used to make...
... hemp is used to make ropes, ropes, sacks, ropes, lots of ropes......
such long-long wonderful ropes... so funny and so long
rope, ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey ropey
ropey ropey ropey, giggles, ahahahahahaha...

Chisinau today. Such is spring, tulips in the snow, snow breaking the trees...

"Twelve months frowning

Crowd around the fire in a snowstorm
Kicking for hackles

Rooks who are shocked
Alexander Antoshkin:

One Crow, full of cheese,
She's been eating cheese and writing poetry, she's a wonder!
Of all the genres she preferred satire,
♪ Always liked to send everyone to the... ♪
# She opened a virtual page
(♪ On the branch above, she sat down ♪)
♪ She pretended to be a parody artist ♪
♪ To pour out her bile and her righteous anger ♪
And Crow had plenty of bile,
She shouted: "You're not poets here, you're shit,
"You're not poets, you're shit.
I know, I see, I've lived a long time.
At least three hundred years,
Maybe more, maybe five hundred,
You won't find a better impersonator,
♪ I've reached heights unimaginable ♪
"I've come from far, far away,
And I'll teach you to love your homeland,
♪ And nightingales and magpies and squirrels ♪
"All you graphomaniacs, you motherfuckers..."
The Crow cawed and cawed,
"and spitting all over the place.
"But when it went off, the hunter spared no expense...
"The hunter, the brave hunter... "The gunshot of a blank...
The gunshot went off loudly..,
"and the ground is crumbling in the mud.
The notorious pigeon,
And the old one reeks of something.

Moral is simple, don't cave,
Don't look for a speck in someone else's eye,
If you do, then do it well,
Otherwise you'll get caught like a chicken...
It won't be an easy road for the country, it'll be like this for 15 years.)