Interesting and Humour - page 3281


Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not just divers looking for the bottom, but economists looking for a way to surface. Maybe there are recipes for the recovery of the economy, but are there constraints like rocks dragging to the bottom? Who has an opinion?

Some strange question....

There is an election coming up and 14 programmes have been admitted for election. You can add the programmes of those not admitted to the election.

It's up to you to decide which of the two alternatives is closer to you personally:

1. His Majesty the Colt and Bolivar can't take two?

2. The state (the collective) comes first.

Once you have decided, all party programmes fall into two categories... From the right category you formulate your opinion. Everything is known. Not only in theory, but on your own hump.


Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not just divers looking for the bottom, but economists looking for a way to surface. Maybe there are recipes for the recovery of the economy, but are there some constraints, like rocks dragging to the bottom? Who has an opinion?

This discussion will end with the phrase: Dear, I see that I will not be able to change your mind, so I am going straight to the insults :)

What are the pitfalls? We're in the desert :)

Every other entrepreneur knows nothing about managing staff or building a business model. Artisans who opened businesses when the economy was favourable and bought jeeps on credit.

On what is the country going to grow, can you say?

In the spring the oil will be 20, grab the bags and the train station will be leaving.

At the expense of what?
Vitalii Ananev:

It is easier to cut costs. And increasing taxes will lead to everyone reverting to grey tax schemes.

Why is thinking only in one plane - how to redistribute the deficit, which is not enough money for everything? It reminds of an attempt to raise the level of liquid in a communicating vessel (and the pipes connecting the vessels are leaking at the seams, and the vessels are leaky in some places). It would not be more logical to direct thoughts towards eliminating leakages in a vessel system and finding additional sources of filling.
In simple terms - it is necessary to imprison (alternatively, the old German recipe: "a little to shoot and a little to inject") thieves and to increase gdp.
Nikolay Demko:

This discussion will end with the phrase: I see I won't be able to change your mind, so I'm going straight to the insults :)

The main thing is not to end up like this. VERESHAGIN. APOTHEOSIS OF WAR.

Vladimir Suschenko:
Why is thinking only on one plane - how to redistribute the deficit, which is not enough money for everything? It is like trying to raise the level of liquid in a communicating vessel (and the pipes connecting the vessels are leaking at the joints, and the vessels are leaky in places). It would not be more logical to direct thoughts towards eliminating leakages in a vessel system and finding additional sources of filling.
In simple terms - it is necessary to imprison (an old German recipe, "a little to shoot and a little to inject") thieves and increase gdp.
And who will put them in jail - which body?
Nikolay Demko:

This discussion will end with the phrase: Dear I see I will not be able to change your mind, so I'm going straight to the insults :)

What pitfalls? We're in the middle of nowhere :)

Every second entrepreneur knows nothing about managing staff or building a business model. Artisans who opened businesses when the economy was favourable and bought jeeps on credit.

On what is the country going to grow, can you say?

In the spring the oil will be in the 20s, grab the bags and the train station will be leaving.

By opening a discussion I was hoping for answers from knowledgeable people and not from people answering a question with a question as it will fill my poor head with more confusion :)

Can anyone tell me if I should now convert my roubles to dollars or euros, should I expect another collapse of the rouble?

We have, for example, Chinese investors being agitated to invest in our infrastructure, and Chinese investors waiting for our investors to invest money in their infrastructure so that they can then invest further development from China.

I think that the infrastructure is, for example, a field that is not ploughed - plough it, fertilize it, prepare everything (even the benches, a stall, etc.), and then Chinese investors, for example, can come to it and invest, for example, to plant crops on this field - in suits, ties, throw seeds into prepared pits (and to bury pits, to level, to water - this is already another part of infrastructure).

From the UN website:

Инфраструктура - это комплекс основных сооружений, которые  поддерживают  повседневную жизнь и экономическое активность в общине. Включает в себя дороги, системы электро- и водоснабжение, телекоммуникационные системы, а также общественный транспорт.

Many of the things we take for granted, such as radio, internet, metro, clean water, are part of the infrastructure. Without them, life would be very different and probably not as comfortable.

However, infrastructure is not only important for everyday comfort. It plays a key role in reducing poverty. Infrastructure increases productivity and improves the quality of life in a community. People can use roads to get to the market, school or health centre. Clean water is essential for life and health. Reliable electricity systems save businesses and consumers the cost of investing in back-up or more expensive alternative systems, and free rural women and children from the labour-intensive collection of firewood. The widespread availability of affordable telecommunications and transport services is creating new jobs and accelerating economic growth.

Инфраструктура — Материалы Всемирного банка для учащихся «А знаешь ли ты... ?»
Инфраструктура — это комплекс основных сооружений, которые поддерживают повседневную жизнь и экономическое активность в общине. Включает в себя дороги, системы электро- и водоснабжение, телекоммуникационные системы, а также общественный транспорт. Многие из тех вещей, которые мы воспринимаем как должное, например радио, Интернет, метро, чистая...

By opening this discussion I was hoping for answers from knowledgeable people, rather than people answering a question with a question, as that would make my poor head even more confused:)

Can anyone tell me if I should convert my roubles to dollars or euros now, should I expect another collapse of the rouble?

When I was in Cambodia long time ago it took me 12 hours by boat to get from the capital to the place I needed.
Now the Chinese have built a road there (this is infrastructure, probably, with a long-range perspective - maybe they will open factories there without competitors...).

I mean if the Chinese will build our infrastructure in our country then in five years time we will be able to convert our roubles to yuan.

  • For example, our people might ask the Chinese: "Build us a factory!"
  • The Chinese: "There's nothing there, it's just a field.
  • Ours: "But first you build us roads, kindergartens, schools, houses, electricity and internet. And then on top of that infrastructure - a factory for us.
  • The Chinese: "No, first you build us roads, kindergartens, schools, houses, bring us electricity and internet. And then we will come here and build a factory for ourselves.
Sergey Golubev:
When I was in Cambodia long ago, it took 12 hours by boat to get from the country's capital to where I needed to go.
Now the Chinese have built a road there (it's probably a long-distance infrastructure - they may open factories there without competition ...).

That is, if the Chinese do our infrastructure with us, then in five years' time it will already be possible to convert roubles into yuan.

We are not hospitable to migrant workers and investors. We do not want to do black work ourselves (to build roads), but we also do not want the flow of migrants who want to do it. What if it turns out like in Europe? They will conquer.