Interesting and Humour - page 3279

What is in the way? Some people consider the lack of cheap Western credit to be one of the factors constraining development. But we have enough free currency of our own, we do not know where to put it. Iran recently received a $2 billion loan.

Credit is not a problem. At all.

Commercial banks lend to businesses - what's the problem?

The problem is different.

1. The country has to admit that there is a crisis in the economy.

2. If the country admits this, then the question has to be answered: Who is to blame and what responsibility is he/she going to bear?

3. It is necessary to carry out reforms and all reforms are not painless-who will accept this political responsibility?


Credit is not a problem. At all.

Commercial banks lend to businesses - what's the problem?

The problem is different.

1. The country has to admit that there is a crisis in the economy.

2. If the country admits this, then the question has to be answered: Who is to blame and what responsibility is he/she going to bear?

3. it is necessary to carry out reforms, and all reforms are not painless - who will take this political responsibility?

I think nobody is hiding the fact that there is a crisis. Who is to blame and who is to be punished is of secondary importance. And in order to carry out reforms it is necessary first to formulate what they should be. And here I think there is no consensus either in the government or among economists...

Credit is not a problem. At all.

Commercial banks lend to businesses - what is the problem?

The problem is that these loans are many times more expensive than Western loans.


The problem is that these loans are many times more expensive than Western loans.

Of course they are more expensive! And count the number of bad loans in the Russian Federation!

In 2015, more than 5 million people defaulted on their loans - that's 1.3 trillion roubles. And this year it is even more.

And that's just private loans, and businesses.

This all makes loans more expensive.

It seems to me that no one is hiding the crisis. Who is to blame and who is to be punished is a secondary matter. And in order to carry out reforms one must first formulate what they should be. And here I think there is no consensus neither in the government nor among economists...

Budget cuts need to be made - social services and the power block.


The promises made to the people need to be cancelled - by whom?

Elections are coming up - think about what you say...

Budget cuts need to be made - social services and the power block...

The best option is to increase revenue collection into the budget.
Vladimir Suschenko:
The best option is to increase the revenue flow into the budget.
At the expense of what?
Yuri Evseenkov:

There's another crisis. As long as I live, people keep saying that there is a crisis in the country. I understand when the USSR collapsed exactly a quarter of a century ago. But now? What kind of crisis?

Criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii???? What kind of crisis?????

Don't be ridiculous!