Interesting and Humour - page 3267

Sergey Golubev:
Zhu Zhu (sometimes said Zhu Zhu). Chinese actress, singer and TV presenter. Became famous on MTV China. Played the role of Chi Chi in Iron Fist.


Good morning.

What big eyes the actress has. I thought all Chinese women were narrow-eyed.

Here's the Russian Olympic women's archery team. Two of them have narrow eyes, just like their Korean rivals. They don't even have to squint to aim. And one, a purely Russian woman. She's got a masala.


The German dance of the old spring festival

Charming ... Oh, man...

Zhu Zhu
is better than Zhu Zhu.
Леонид Брежнев и кот-провидец
Леонид Брежнев и кот-провидец
Личную охрану первых лиц государств подбирают специально обученные сотрудники спецслужб. А вот в СССР был случай, когда роль самого доверенного охранника Генерального секретаря ЦК КПСС Леонида Ильича Брежнева играл... кот. Известно, что Брежнев был убежденным материалистом и весьма скептически относился к рассказам о восточных магах, которые...
Eh... I wish I had a cat like that to predict when to open and close trades))
Alexandr Saprykin:
Eh... I wish I had a cat like that to predict when to open and close trades))
There's a cat like that somewhere - it's called the Grail. But no one has ever seen it... :-)
Sergey Golubev:

A German dance of the ancient Spring Festival

Charming ... Oh, man...Zhu Zhu is better than Zhu Zhu.

Fun, perhaps the remnants of witches who didn't burn at the fires of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages.

Жертвы инквизиции - ведьмы, колдуньи, оборотни, суккубы и инкубы. Одержимость ведовством.
Жертвы инквизиции - ведьмы, колдуньи, оборотни, суккубы и инкубы. Одержимость ведовством.
  • Small Bay Ltd
Как уже говорилось ранее, одержимость ведовством зародилась в Южной Франции и Северной Италии. В XV веке она охватила север Франции и Швейцарию. Обе эти страны были центром развернувшейся в Европе охоты на ведьм. «Булла о ведовстве» и «Молот ведьм», появившиеся в конце XV века, положили начало триумфальному шествию демонологии на север. Однако...

Tales for children , cited:

"And finally remembered the Dalai Lama's warning. Just in case, without explaining the real reason ..."

i.e. the author of this nonsense is "reading Brezhnev's mind from a distance". Otherwise, how could he "know" that Brezhnev then remembered and did not tell anyone? Did the cat murmur to the author?




The theorem on combing a hedgehog

"There is no continuous tangent vector field on a sphere that does not zero somewhere."

"In practice this means that if you take a curled up hedgehog (or a hairy ball), combing it so that it does not prick anywhere is impossible: somewhere it will still form a "tuft" or "frizz". Interestingly, it follows from the same theorem that if somewhere on Earth there is wind blowing, then at the same time there is at least one point where there is no wind at all."


The Two Militia Theorem

"We have a mathematical function that is sort of "sandwiched" between two other functions, that is, its value for all arguments in some domain is not less than the value of one function and not greater than the value of the other. If both 'extreme' functions in that domain have the same limit, then the middle function has exactly the same limit."

"In other words, if two policemen hold a criminal between them and in doing so go to a cell, the criminal goes there too."


The immortal monkey theorem

"In 1913 the French mathematician Emile Borel published in the prestigious Journal de Physique Theorique et Appliquee a short essay entitled 'Statistical Mechanics and Irreversibility'. Borel wrote about some abstract generators of random sequences of letters which, in an infinite amount of time, would inevitably print the text of all the books in all the libraries of the world."

"With input from physicists Arthur Eddington and James Jeans, writer Jorge Luis Borges and their many followers, it now goes like this: if you take an infinite number of immortal monkeys and put them at typewriters that cannot be broken, sooner or later they will print any given text - William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' for example."

"Два милиционера несут диван": забавные задачи и теоремы
"Два милиционера несут диван": забавные задачи и теоремы
МОСКВА, 9 авг — РИА Новости. Французский математик Эмиль Борель в 1913 году опубликовал в престижном журнале Journal de Physique Theorique et Appliquee небольшое эссе под названием "Статистическая механика и необратимость". Именно это эссе можно смело считать первой научной работой о литературных способностях обезьян, хотя ни приматы...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Fun, perhaps the remnants of witches who didn't burn at the fires of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages.

Oh, wow... Very interesting, what does the author call an obsession with witchcraft? The article can be traced back to sort of calling inquisitors possessed by witchcraft. However, it also traces somewhere that an abundance of witches are called possessed by witchcraft. Some strange article with a double meaning.

What witchcraft is is known, and it is in no way appropriate for inquisitors. Also, the phrase "possession by an agency" is kind of ridiculous. In short, it's not an article, it's complete nonsense. The question is why?