Interesting and Humour - page 3218

Sergey Golubev:
By the way Yes :))

Dates back to the '70s Denis Ritchie and Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson (left) and Dennis Ritchie (right) the founding fathers of C and UNIX

This cycle - with or without a beard has no stamps or logical timeline

Really - the spice man is used to seeing in a jumper - and possibly with a beard.

the suit isn't usually worn by IT functionaries.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Googled it. This Mr. Polenov seems to have had several paintings of this pond from different angles. He must have lived there by that pond. Here's an example:

That's what is cool and useful in these posts with pictures - is that at least someone becomes attached to the beautiful!

Polenov was a very strong landscape painter. He painted mainly in the style of classical realism.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

That's what's so cool and useful about these picture posts - at least someone is getting in touch with the beauty!

What is the "introduction to beauty"?

By displaying one painting in dubious resolution, with no description, no commentary, no links to other paintings by the same or other artists?

A link to a professionally created virtual "picture gallery" - that's understandable.

For fun, to see the same pond with a sitting and standing young lady is also interesting.

To ponder on the absence of fish in the pond is also fun.

But photo of landscape of unknown type from Sergey "Good Morning" or reference to the music of far from the best performer and performance - where is the inclusion to the beautiful, where is interesting?

Endless stories of Volsky about his adventures, relatives and friends are much more informative and interesting.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What is the "introduction to beauty"?

By displaying one painting in dubious resolution, with no description, no commentary, no links to other paintings by the same or other artists?

A link to a professionally created virtual "picture gallery" - that's understandable.

For fun, to see the same pond with a sitting and standing young lady is also interesting.

To ponder on the absence of fish in the pond is also fun.

But a photo of some landscape from Sergey "Good Morning" - where is the partaking of beauty, where is the interesting?

Volsky's endless stories about his adventures, relatives and friends are much more informative and interesting.

Yes, that's it !

i meant that a person - at least - would at least take an interest and google it - and read something, look at a picture... at least that.

Right, yes, and about the pond to ponder with or without crucians and the lady sitting or standing, no matter ... By the way, the conversations - the stories of Volchanskogo, too, are quite interesting.

--- added description

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Интересное и Юмор
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Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What is the "introduction to beauty"?

By displaying one painting in dubious resolution, with no description, no commentary, no reference to other paintings by the same or other artists?

Enough is enough! Will you be done with it?
I'm done with it! will you cum ?

it's better to cum in private - not in public and not with a soundtrack.

Oh !!! with such happiness and out !!! good to see !

How much did the development of Russian Elbrus processors cost

"The development of the two latest models from the Elbrus processor line cost a total of RUB 1.25bn to the budget. The results of the development work under the corresponding three-year contracts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade were handed over to the customer on time - in December 2015".

Yuriy Zaytsev:

it's better to cum in private - not in public and not with a soundtrack.

Oh !!! with such happiness and out !!! good to see !


But with Golubev you can not leave so, Bolkonsky Zelinsky right of course. You can't just take something beautiful and put it out there.

Firstly, not everyone understands that it is beautiful, and secondly, of course need the coordinates of the area and passport data heroes of the canvas.


Shit, you can't see it right away. It's a mess.