Interesting and Humour - page 3105


Back and forth: Roscosmos intends to create a re-entry first stage rocket >>>

Отмечается, что российская возвращаемая первая ступень будет крылатой. Она сможет заходить на посадку на космодроме, как обычный самолёт. А вот вариант приземления ракеты по типу американского Falcon 9 — на баржу в море или океане — был отвергнут.

Туда и обратно: «Роскосмос» намерен создать возвращаемую первую ступень ракеты
Туда и обратно: «Роскосмос» намерен создать возвращаемую первую ступень ракеты
«Приказом гендиректора Центра имени Хруничева на предприятии восстановлен департамент по многоразовым средствам выведения. Это произошло буквально месяц назад. Работать туда мы пригласили людей, которые создавали в своё время «Буран». Департамент возглавил Павел Анатольевич Лехов, один из проектантов системы «Энергия-Буран», — цитируют...
The first thing I thought of when I read the headline was Buran. Back in the late 1980s, Buran made its successful, albeit only unmanned, round trip flight. And that's an order of magnitude more difficult task than getting a stage back to Earth. It's time to unpack the Buran technology!
Vasiliy Sokolov:
The first thing I thought of when I read the title was the Buran. Back in the late 80's Buran made its successful, albeit only unmanned, round trip flight. And that's an order of magnitude more difficult task than getting a stage back to Earth. It's time to unpack the Buran technology!

The only hope left is for China to flood the market with disposable first stages before Russia gets on this vicious path

Okay, the steam train breaks down - it has nowhere to fall.... but here's the abirvallagh and all.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
The first thing I thought of when I read the title was the Buran. Back in the late 1980s, Buran made its successful, albeit only, unmanned round trip. And that's an order of magnitude more difficult task than getting a stage back to Earth. It is time to unpack the technology of Buran!
it is not technologies that should be unpacked, it is boomerangs that should be built. it is a pity that this project was shut down so quickly. by the way why?
Vasiliy Sokolov:
The first thing I thought of when I read the title was the Buran. Back in the late 1980s, Buran made its successful, albeit only, unmanned round trip. And that's an order of magnitude more difficult task than getting a stage back to Earth. It's time to unpack the Buran technology!
Here's how it is. Multiuse spacecrafts have been ruined and air transport system for Buran project - plane AN-225 "Mriya" (Dream in Ukrainian) continues commercial flights and amazes public at air shows. It too was abandoned at first, but then rebuilt, and Ukraine now possesses the world's largest transport aircraft with a carrying capacity of 250 tonnes.
Alexandr Saprykin:
It is a pity that the project was scrapped so quickly. by the way, why?

There were no plans to develop it, the aim was to make one demonstration flight.

No need for fuel for planning, it all makes sense
Alexander Laur:
The country collapsed, there was no time for that. :)
And it was built for military purposes, and back then drunken Yelkin was dancing in the West, peace, friendship, chewing gum

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--- from the letter ---

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