Interesting and Humour - page 2870

How to learn to trade
in eight months

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Why me?

I'm shocked myself.)

First they found a stiff, then they disappeared.

it's interesting to assume that the next news item will be: "The whole group or several people are missing in the area of Dyatlov Pass".

although they're already missing and haven't contacted us.

Why bury them in advance? So far they have contacted us once in four days. So soon something will be known for sure. It's possible, of course.
Victor Nikolaev:
Why bury it beforehand. So far they've been in touch once every four days. So maybe we'll know something more definite soon. It's possible, of course.
My opinion is that the tourism is having fun to attract extreme people. Everyone's alive and well, no one's been found dead.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
My opinion: the tourism is entertaining itself to attract extremists. Everyone is alive and well, no dead bodies were found.

What's your hurry? A few days and the information will be confirmed or disproved.

You amaze me. You're in the market, but you don't have the patience.


I don't know about other operating systems, but in Windows 10 the Market Watch window can be turned into a clock:

Market overview in the form of a clock

Британские физики решили синтезировать и продавать самый дорогой материал в мире
Британские физики решили синтезировать и продавать самый дорогой материал в мире
  • 2016.01.11
Москва. 11 января. INTERFAX.RU - Ученые из Оксфордского университета в Великобритании объявили о работах спин-офф лаборатории над синтезом эндоэдральных фуллеренов, сообщает Science Alert. Эндоэдральные фуллерены - новый класс объектов нанометровых размеров с уникальными физико-химическими свойствами и перспективами практического применения в...
SEC пошла на сделку с главой скандального хедж-фонда SAC Capital
  • 2016.01.11
Москва. 11 января. INTERFAX.RU – Основатель хедж-фонда SAC Capital Advisors Стивен Коэн заключил соглашение с американскими регуляторами, включая Комиссию по ценным бумагам и биржам (SEC), в рамках дела о самой масштабной схеме инсайдерской торговли в истории США, пишет The Wall Street Journal. Коэн сможет вернуться к управлению денежными...
The desire to get married lasted until breakfast and then passed.

Nicholas II (diary entry 19 November 1884)


This is how the Irtysh froze. This photo is nicknamed 'The Scream of the Irtysh'.