Interesting and Humour - page 2869


That's where all the snow is:

Winter. Orenburg. 2016.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

what can i do in moscow

Alexander, 2016.01.10:14

Passing through here, decided to stick around for a bit...

There are small trading hangouts in our region, where people who trade just gather - to chat, mostly about trading news. How about something like that in Moscow? Or is everyone here so busy that the only thing left is the forum? I am a good programmer myself.

Karputov Vladimir:

maybe he was attacked by Kar Karych).


Ivan Vagin:

I wonder if your program has any data on purchased space real estate, I think they were sellingplots on the moonfor $20 an acre (40 acres). which translates to 50 cents per acre.

Karputov Vladimir:

That's where all the snow is:

Where it's thick, where it's empty...

Туристы, нашедшие загадочный труп на перевале Дятлова, пропали
Туристы, нашедшие загадочный труп на перевале Дятлова, пропали
Группа туристов из Перми, нашедших труп неизвестного мужчины лет 50 на перевале Дятлова, пропала. С ними не могут выйти на связь. Они идут по сложному маршруту Северный Урал – Ивдель и должны быть в месте назначения 18 января.
Why are you scaring people?
Victor Nikolaev:
Why are you scaring people?

Why me?

I'm shocked myself.)

First they found a stiff, then they disappeared.

It's interesting to guess that the next news item will be like: "The whole group or several people are missing in the area of Dyatlov Pass".

Even though they're already missing, they're not getting in touch.