Interesting and Humour - page 2839

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Fair enough.)

I'm gonna go fall for some girl.)

The judge is right, there is clearly self-serving intent,Abdulaziza was the victim of female abuse and aggravated violence. There was a reason there were two rapists, one of them was meant to be a "witness" in court.

Alexey Viktorov:
English court acquits Saudi millionaire who claimed he accidentally penetrated an 18-year-old girl as a result of a bad fall
That's bullshit. We meet at a club, go to his place, not alone, but with a friend, a friend in the next room... and all of a sudden, rape... quietly and discreetly.
Joo Zepper:

The judge is right, there is a clear self-serving motive,Abdulaziza was the victim of female abuse and aggravated violence. There was a reason there were two rapists, one of them was supposed to act as a "witness" in court.

So the scheme didn't work? )

What if it wasn't the prince, but someone less famous?

ZS: I'm reminded of the movie "Knock Knock" with Keanu Reeves. He kind of had nothing to do with it there either))

Also this one )))

M: Rafik suspected something this morning. He tells me, he says: "I got up in the morning, I definitely think there's going to be a rape today. I'm going to hide in the forest". He says he knew for sure there would be a rape today in the aul, he has an intuition. He went to the forest. He drank a bottle of vodka to get up his courage. He hid behind an oak tree, he said: "I want not to meet anybody. And then this Kislovodsk resident walked purposefully through a forest. Purposefully. She sees Rafig hiding behind a tree - she goes to him. He hides behind another tree - she comes to him. He says: "What do you want from me?" She tore her dress, forcibly took Rafik's belt, tied her hands, then put him in the car, pressed the gas. Rafik drove off to the village, and she fell into a ravine, passed out.
H: On purpose?
M: On purpose! Rafik came straight to us, he said she was crazy, her (dress) was torn, and I felt bad for her belt. Give it back to me and bring her to her senses.
H: It was staged, wasn't it?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
This is bullshit. I met him at a club, I went to his house, not alone, but with a friend, a friend in the next room... and all of a sudden, rape... quietly and discreetly.
So this is a humor thread, not an investigation...

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