Interesting and Humour - page 2841

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Made a discovery ))

"Oh, how many wondrous discoveries
The spirit of enlightenment
And experience, ....".

AS Pushkin

And if you also take a look at the Help(User Manual)... :)))

List of hotkeys:

Top menu MetaEditor => Help => Help (press this button, not F1) => MetaEditor /User interface / Hotkeys

P./S. Just in case, I would like to tell you that I have discovered some more cool tricks in the "Smart Controls" section of this guide. If you don't know about them, they may come in handy.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

There, there.

Generally speaking, it is profitable to invest in real estate, as long as you keep everything in your hands. The calculation is simple: over time, real estate does not get cheaper, and even rises in value at least covering inflation in the country (10-12% per annum). There are short-term downturns of 3, 5 years, but inflation puts everything in its place. So by buying real estate we protect ourselves from inflation and have a 10-12% APR. Plus we also rent out real estate and also have an 8-10% per annum from this business. As a result we get 20% per annum without giving anything. In my opinion, this is not bad.

This is required in any business, not only real estate.

for the first time in history we successfully landed.)

we flew with our asses to the ground ))

В США пересмотрят самое масштабное дело об инсайдерской торговле
  • 2015.12.22
Москва. 22 декабря. INTERFAX.RU – Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам (SEC) США смягчила подход к делу об участии хедж-фонда SAC Capital Advisors и его основателя Стивена Коэна в самой масштабной схеме инсайдерской торговли в истории США, пишет The Wall Street Journal. После более чем двухлетнего перерыва SEC уточнила обвинения, предъявляемые...

About winter:

Wet winter

Karputov Vladimir:

About winter:

Father Christmas, giving up his position.
Pavel Gotkevitch:
I remember. there were institutions such as the "Pioneer House", where everyone was taught, free of charge, a trade or other occupation of interest. Childhood was serene, no thought was given to anything, and there was no need to know what a "dollar" was. Cartoonists mocked the image of the dollar, and capitalism in general, in various hypostases. Unnoticed, they found themselves in the arms of a capitalism called the "market economy".
Pavel Gotkevitch:
So much for the double standard
When dreams come true.
В Тунисе обнаружено озеро посреди пустыни
В Тунисе обнаружено озеро посреди пустыни
  • 2014.08.02
МОСКВА, 2 авг — РИА Новости. В Тунисе пастухи обнаружили озеро, которое появилось посреди пустыни в 25 километрах от города Гафса, сообщает The independent. Загадочное озеро появилось три недели назад. Ученые пока не могут объяснить, каким образом оно образовалось, хотя есть вероятность, что озеро появилось в результате сейсмической активности...