Interesting and Humour - page 3912

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why don't you go for a walk in the street to clear your head?

I saw that video on youtube.

Yeah, I will. (chuckles): Okay.

Alexander Ivanov:

But there are some thoughts about gold.

It is no secret that Russia has started mining the yellow metal at an accelerated rate.

This means that Russia is preparing for the coming war, which will be devastated ten times as much as WWII.

As soon as the TNWs go on a mutual strike, the dollar, the euro will surely fall below the plinth ,

and only gold will be accepted as payment for trade between countries like China, Iran, India, Kazakhstan and others.

So? That's right... The price of gold will go up and up.

After exchanging blows with TNW, gold will not be needed. There will be no one to trade with).


It could affect it indirectly, through the euro. If the US imposes its gas on Europe, for example.

Nikolay Kositsin:
What war? What do you mean? The U.S. is a colossus on clay feet, whose power is built on Hollywood horror stories and bloody slaughterhouses, in which the colossus participates as a warmonger, observer and cream skimmer. All the Russians have to do is remove the traitors from the Kremlin and pounce on the United States, and that country will disappear from the world map without a single nuclear warhead being launched. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the scenario.
The USA is strong only in a distant war against a weak enemy, but when our electronic warfare means are switched on, half of its missiles cannot reach their targets, while in case of a full-scale war it will be necessary to overcome air defense means. Well, in a contact war against us they are really weak. In case of war with Russia they will not even be able to land troops, and all their aircraft carriers will be destroyed by missiles. Despite the invitation to participate in the tank biathlon, they refused for fear of showing their weakness. But the thing about traitors in the Kremlin I don't get.

Whoever you're with, that's the way you're meant to be.


Transferring some of the posts here from the "How the sanctions ... will affect the dollar exchange rate... "
As a reminder, the flooding (preferably without politics) is only in this thread(Interesting and Humour).


I advise to re-read again this my post that when (for example, once was two days ago, and still was some time ago and many times) one moderator banned several people and stopped (for example), then there are those among you, who can send messages with threats to another moderator (who has not banned yet) with a demand to act as a moderator (and in fact - continue bans and delete posts), and if that moderator will not agree (and I did not agree), then to threaten, etc.

There is no such thing in the English part (as there "there are such among you" - there are no such), but there the rules are the same.

For information.


Have a good weekend everyone!

В Европе с полок магазинов изъяты миллионы ядовитых яиц
В Европе с полок магазинов изъяты миллионы ядовитых яиц
  • 2017.08.03
  • Анна Пономаренко
Миллионы яиц изъяты из магазинов и складов в Германии, Нидерландах и Бельгии после того, как в их составе обнаружился высокий уровень токсичного инсектицида фипронила, пишет The Guardian. Вначале яйца попали на полки магазинов в Нидерландах и Бельгии. Позже около 900 тысяч яиц было обнаружено в немецких магазинах. Туда продукт...