Interesting and Humour - page 2740

Strange flexibility - like when asked how much power it consumes - the answer is how much do you have))))
It's also Jewish.
Strange flexibility - like when asked how much power it consumes - the answer is how much you have))))
Alexandr Murzin:
That's how it is in the Jewish style.
Gentlemen! You really know nothing that a microprocessor can consume as much power as it needs to perform some functions?

Or are you just joking? Well, if you're not kidding, judging by your comments, the fruits of enlightenment on your family tree has not been seen in the past.

No offense. None taken personally.
Pavel Gotkevitch:
Gentlemen! Are you really unaware that a microprocessor can consume as much power as it needs to perform certain functions?

Or are you just messing around? Well, if you're not kidding, judging by your comments, the fruits of enlightenment were not found on your family tree in the past.

No offense. None taken personally.
And what about improving graphics performance with a processor?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What about improving graphics performance with a processor?

Well, to put it very simply, it's like this:
Before 2010, graphics were typically integrated into motherboard chipsets. In early 2010, Intel integrated a video processor into a "normal" CPU for the first time.
That is, additional chips - graphics cores - are integrated inside a "normal" CPU and are responsible for displaying images on the monitor.
The graphics performance of these cores is dependent on the design of these cores. - The Remote-Controlled BB-8 Toy Is Ridiculously Cool | Facebook
Here's the remote-controlled BB-8 toy in action. Take our money.
Baba Yaga didn't fit in...


As it turns out, the song Macarena, popular in the 1990s, sings about a girl cheating on a guy with two of his friends while the guy was away.
How awful! What an immoral song!
And even though it's not that popular now, I guess Roskomnadzor should exercise its usual vigilance! :-)

Поколение 90-х узнало, о чем на самом деле поется в «Макарене»
Поколение 90-х узнало, о чем на самом деле поется в «Макарене»
Поколению, выросшему в 90-е, предложили вновь послушать песню «Macarena» и ответить на вопрос, о чем она. Эксперимент провел развлекательный канал Distractify. Участники признались, что никогда раньше не могли разобрать слов: песня слишком быстрая. Внимательно переслушав хит 90-х, они выяснили, что поет девушка, изменившая своему парню. Героиня самой популярной в девяностых годах песни не смогла отказать двум друзьям своего бойфренда, который находился в отъезде. Участники эксперимента были удивлены, под какие песни они танцевали в детстве. Некоторые из них вспомнили, что «Макарену» исполняли даже в церкви.
Pavel Gotkevitch:

As it turns out, the song Macarena, popular in the 1990s, sings about a girl cheating on a guy with two of his friends while the guy was away.
How awful! What an immoral song!
And even though it's not that popular now, I guess Roskomnadzor should exercise its usual vigilance! :-)

there's a link to the translation in the comments at the link