Interesting and Humour - page 2744


And with FIVE consonants in a row? AGENTSTVO

There are three nouns ending in ...zo, two of them are belly and iron, and the third? Aviso

schizo, siso, caruso, etc. etc.

Flintstones, in step with the times (:

Yury Reshetov:
schizo, siso, caruso, etc., etc.
schizo is not a word, siso is an abbreviation, Caruso is a surname, you fucking moron.

And with FIVE consonants in a row? AGENTSTVO

There are three nouns ending in ...zo, two of them are belly and iron, and the third? Aviso

the second bellybutton? )

I didn't plug myself into the internet to fill my head with bullshit:

aviso - small warship
goose - goose (e.g. chicken)
iron - metal
lezo - blade, point
lszo - the same as lezo
half-iron - crust
belly - belly
tszo - fish belly
cherevezo - fur belly


And with FIVE consonants in a row? AGENTSTVO

There are three nouns ending in ...zo, two of them are belly and iron, and the third? Aviso

There is also a word with forty letters a.

Vladimir Tkach:
Есть еще слово в котором сорок букв а.

That's a real bummer!

That's the kind of drone pranksters...

The quadrangle

Oh, man, that's a lot...

I was once asked this trick question by a girl. I didn't think much about it and she said the word "menstruation". I smiled and the next day safely forgot about it, as well as about her. But yesterday something came to mind...
