FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1775

I'd like to re-hyphenate.... for a total mind-blowing experience.

Don't you want a 1040 or 11.5?)

I'm already being quoted understand!!!

Not a fucking clue, but quoted))))


Well, I understand! Let me rephrase the question - how can you make a profit using futures volumes so that you don't get cheated? )) Well, the answer is sort of under your feet, but somehow all hell escapes me I have a setting - to win every day. How's that? I know - the Grail... It's not complicated, but it's the Grail. Finding it is the hard part. But you won't tell us, you won't even tell us, the unwise...

It's not just for me... I'm not just for me. I'm for everybody. I took the trouble to write down the principle of price movement... Maybe someone will find it useful! I don't mind. It may not be the Holy Grail, but it at least helps to better understand the big picture. And there's no one who wants to continue - they seem to know, but not... And that's sad!

Vasya, the attitude should be to take good trades, not to jump into the market every day for who knows what.

In general, you are my idol, second only to the Teacher

so does everyone... and that's enough... So what's the point? What's the point? The point is to cut down... to develop... from small!!! I'm sure it's not utopia and I will prove it!!! Maybe not to everyone, but just myself - time will tell. So far only myself - tired of exhibitionism - and it is a thankless task
No, Vasya, the trick is not to play in the sandbox and make a man out of poop, but to make money for a living.
Self-satisfaction is up to you... Saxauls you in your inner world. For me you are not. For me authority is a vigorous, unbreakable word or a proven statement. What you saxauls don't hear!!! So it's a bust!!!

And as for reaching my goal, with or without you, I will reach it.

If you don't have anything else to say other than this daily mumbo-jumbo, good luck.

Surprise me, somebody! Tear to shreds all my assertions? Or better yet, don't say anything, it's not even funny anymore!!!


Let your wife surprise you.

No, Vasya, the trick is not to play in the sandbox and make people out of poop, it's to make money for a living.
Vasya, don't you think you're a little confused with your moralizing? I'm not your referral from yesterday. I've eaten a lot of salt on this shit called forex. It's over! That's enough! It's one of two things - either that's all you've got to go on - to get the newly minted kids up on ...., or... or you've got some kind of... ...your ego has swollen to unbelievable proportions and you can't stop - you're blown around like a balloon...

And about earning money, grandpa, that's just not what you said!!! Everybody's earning a living - look around you!!! Only a few get rich!!! That's the truth. Keep digging in the poop. It's closer to you.


Let your wife surprise you.

You better tell me, grandpa - did you even understand what I told you? Or did you read the first word of the first sentence again and immediately realized how cool you are and how stupid I am? Or you don't read at all? If so, adieu - with you "aksakals", at least I certainly have nothing else to talk about at all!!! Maybe someone normal will drop by.
You better tell me, grandpa - did you even understand what I told you? Or did you read the first word of the first sentence again and immediately realized how cool you are and how stupid I am? If so, adieu - with you "elders" I certainly have nothing more to talk about at all!!!
I told you - I can write, I can't read.
I told you - I can write, I can't read.
Come on, you're joking! Just tell it like it is. No offense.

Or again - "I know everything, but I won't tell... And yes - you're wrong! Go read a book..."?

I'm not doing it for me, I'm doing it for your kids! So they can read and be educated! Who else but me? You don't have the time, do you?
Come on, you're joking! Really tell it like it is? No hard feelings.

Or again, "I know everything, but I won't tell... And yes, you're wrong. Go read a book..."?

I'm not doing it for me, I'm doing it for your kids! So they can read and be educated! Who else but me? You don't have the time, do you?
I'll tell them. Let them enlighten themselves, I don't mind, but I'm going for a coffee and a smoke.