Interesting and Humour - page 2735

Vitaly Murlenko:

There was a young engineer in Soviet times. He got married, his salary was 120 roubles, and he had to give all the money to his wife. But he also wanted to drink beer with his friends and buy cigarettes. He does not ask his wife for anything.
He tells himself a story and explains it to his wife:

- In army, you see, I have broken the tank, and the enlistment office deducts from the salary on 20 rubles a month. The wife is of course conscientious, her duty to the Motherland is above all.
Ten years passed, the children grow up, the expenditure grows, and the wife is indignant:
. Ten years ago a man made a mistake in the army and they deduct 20 roubles from his salary.The man is frightened to confess.
The man is terrified to confess that he cheated his family for so many years, and decides to invent something on the spot.
The policeman arrives at the enlistment office, the wife is indignant and states the essence of the problem. The enlistment officer was a profound man, listened, listened attentively and says to his wife:
- Wait at the door, and we will solve the problem.
The wife came out and the military commander jumped up:
- How dare you, you son of a bitch, you have two children, and you are taking them away from the family. I pay 10 roubles for a submarine, and you pay 20 roubles for a tank. Have you ever seen such a thing?
Then calmed down a little:
- As a man of a man I understand you. So let's do this. I'll write you a certificate, but only for my wife, and now you'll "pay" 10 rubles each, enough for beer and cigarettes.
And so they did. The man comes out of the office frowning. Wife eagerly and hopefully in her eyes:
- How's that?
The man irritably shoves the certificate under her nose:
- How, how. Like this! Look at your work! You've had it up to here! You've been given another tenner!


A 3D printer that prints... glass!

valeriy odintsov:
I can't figure out how he takes these selfies?
In 3DStudio Max or something else. The cameras can be placed anywhere, such as tethered to a moving object.
Serhiy Dotsenko:
Cool, I'll take it from here.)
Организация локальной сети с одновременным подключением к двум интернет-провайдерам при помощи маршрутизатора MikroTik
Организация локальной сети с одновременным подключением к двум интернет-провайдерам при помощи маршрутизатора MikroTik
Предположим, что у нас есть два интернет провайдера. Первый получает настройки по L2TP, для второго необходимо задать настройки статически, а нам требуется организовать безотказную работу интернет соединения. То есть, в случае отказа первого интернет провайдера маршрутизатор должен автоматически переключиться на второго (резервного) провайдера...