Interesting and Humour - page 2717

This tale used to be told about 30 metres.
A 300-metre hall? Can you imagine 3 football pitches, where are the halls like that?
Maybe the cable was pulled through the corners of the room, then the length of the room would be 300/4 = 75 metres. A shopping mall could be that big.
Vitalii Ananev:
Maybe the cable was pulled from the corners of the room then the length of the room would be 300/4 = 75 metres. A shopping centre could be that size.
Have you taken a maths class?
Alexandr Murzin:
Did you skip maths?
I see you need an explanation. The cable length is 300 metres. There are 4 corners in the room. ....
Vitalii Ananev:
I see you need an explanation. The cable length is 300 metres. There are four corners in the room. ....
Did you skip geometry too?)
Vladimir Belev:
Did you skip geometry too?)

The geometric shape of the room does not matter whether it is a rectangle or a square. The main thing is that there are four corners and 300 metres of cable. Or are you implying that the room was triangular? And if you are so well versed in geometry that you allow yourself to judge the level of knowledge of others, then explain to the uninformed your thinking on the basis of which you drew such conclusions.


I dare to suggest, that next retort will be about my level of knowledge of Russian language or something like that. :)

Обнаружена максимально похожая на Землю планета
Обнаружена максимально похожая на Землю планета
Планета, получившая название Kepler-452b, на 60% больше нашей планеты и вращается вокруг звезды Kepler-452, похожей, в свою очередь, на Солнце. Экзопланета находится в так называемой обитаемой зоне, где может присутствовать вода в жидком виде, что является необходимым условием для существования белковой жизни. Период обращения Kepler-452b...

- I'm going to bed, tell me something nice to say at night...
- During its lifetime, a pillow absorbs several tonnes of liquid that evaporates from our skin. The saprophyte mites that live in it, arthropods of 0.3 mm, cause the most severe forms of allergies, and feed on scales from our skin or micro particles of blood that are on the feathers. An old feather pillow contains 10 % of mite excrement. One gramme of mattress dust contains 200 to 15 thousand mites, whereas a double bed has 500 million mites. Sleep well.

And they say pets are like their owners...


Here come the summer thunderstorms:

A summer thunderstorm