Interesting and Humour - page 2723

Karputov Vladimir:
How about removing the offended expression on your face and looking closely at the one inserted from your pocket?

it's strange that someone can see my face on my avatar.)

the wine 10 link goes nowhere, there's no post the link is referring to.

about this link

Windows 10
Windows 10
А вот здесь возникает вопрос: сейчас терминал использует для вкладок Маркет и Сигналы Internet Explorer, но если развитие IE будет остановлено, на базе какого браузера будет работать терминал? - Страница 13 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

it's strange that someone can see my face in my avatar.)

vin 10 link goes nowhere.

VISIN eye drops: instruction, reviews, price.

ВИЗИН глазные капли: инструкция, отзывы, цена
Визин – препарат из группы симпатомиметиков для применения в офтальмологии. Оказывает локальное противоотечное и сосудосуживающее действие, при этом эффект наступает быстро (в течение нескольких минут). Практически не попадает в системный кровоток. Длительное применение глазых капель "Визин" может приветси к самым неблагоприятным последсвиям...
then where is that post? poke your nose like a puppy, it will give you pleasure )
among other things, there was a link in that post
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
then where is that post, poke your nose like a puppy, it will give you pleasure )
Attention! A competition is being announced! The man wrote it himself and now he can't see it! Help him discover what he himself has written.
Karputov Vladimir:
Attention! A competition is being announced! The man wrote it himself and now he can't see it! Help him discover what he himself has written.

Yeah, I'm also wondering where the post the link from this post refers to is


this link (

It leads to a post that doesn't exist.

there's page 13 in that thread, but the post with the ticket #comment_1797050 isn't there.

Windows 10
Windows 10
А вот здесь возникает вопрос: сейчас терминал использует для вкладок Маркет и Сигналы Internet Explorer, но если развитие IE будет остановлено, на базе какого браузера будет работать терминал? - Страница 13 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Karputov Vladimir:
Attention! A competition is being announced! A man has written himself and now he can't see it! Help him discover what he himself has written.
you erased the link that was in the comment, paste the link or delete your post as it is no longer my post after you edited it
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
in general you erased the link that was in the comment, paste the link or delete your post as it is no longer my post after your revision

You, btw, are very inattentive. Here is the pocket where your post is fully inserted:

Not only do you consider it the norm to insert text in an invisible colour, you also don't bother to formalise this hidden text with a link - you just leave the text.

Karputov Vladimir:

You, btw, are very inattentive. Here is the pocket where your post is inserted in full:

Not only do you think it's normal to insert text in an invisible colour, you also don't bother to form this hidden text with a link - you just leave the text.

I'm aware of what's there, there was a link below which is perfectly visible

the post was as follows:

for those who are curious, "What's in there?"
Обзор Windows 10: креативная импотенция Microsoft - ЯПлакалъ
  • Coltz
Для простых людей выход новой версии Windows – новость как минимум любопытная. Даже им интересно узнать, что там на этот раз придумала Microsoft. В свою очередь, для компьютерных энтузиастов масштабное обновление «операционки» и вовсе сродни настоящему празднику. Когда-то в рядах таких энтузиастов был и я. Новая система всегда была для меня...