Interesting and Humour - page 2391

Everything is fading...
Замки из песка, которые поразят ваше воображение
Замки из песка, которые поразят ваше воображение
Если просто лежать на пляже вам не по душе, а дети просят поиграть с ними, то идеальный вариант проявить свои способности — это вылепить замок из песка. Лопатка, ведерко, немного воды и песка — и вы уже построили дом! Смотрите подборку самых интересных и необычных замков с пляжей всего мира, которую мы подготовили для вас, и вдохновляйтесь!

A new change to the profile:

The friends list is now collapsed

Friends list is now collapsed



No, I understand that it's easy to criticise, etc.

But fuck.

This is a high-tech resource. Why is there a queue of Neanderthals at the Software Market? What kind of associations is that supposed to evoke?

It's not clear


Alexander Gorodnitsky - Leningradskaya


In the early '70s, I was dropped off at my grandmother's house on holiday. We used to drink tea and listen to old records. I remember many of the songs by heart ever since.)


Medieval tech support :-)


No, I understand that it's easy to criticise, etc.

But fuck.

This is a high-tech resource. Why is there a queue of Neanderthals at the Software Market? What kind of associations is that supposed to evoke?

It's not clear

Well, you kind of wised up and ran to the Market).