Interesting and Humour - page 2389


It's the 21st century


It's the 21st century

And if it's love... was.

Here you go. Practice. Everything should make more sense after that. ;)

It doesn't make any sense.

It's like a porno.

but if it's love ...was

I don't understand a thing.

It's like a porno.

It's all clear to you. ))


I'm free.)

I've been unbanned.

Don't rush back to the ban, it's getting pretty lonely here, most of the moderators just correspond with each other.


Don't rush back into the banja, it's getting quite dull here, most of the moderators correspond with each other.

It's not going to be like it was.

Things have changed and I'll be banned or deleted soon.

The line between political ( banned ) and non-political posts will soon be blurred.

News about a new device from Silicon Valley will be seen as an insult to the patriotic feelings of Russians.) And the words shrimp and salmon will be treated as mumbo jumbo.)


It's all clear with you. ))

Oh, it's me.

News of a new device from Silicon Valley will be seen as an insult to the patriotic sensibilities of Russians.) and the words shrimp and salmon will be treated as mumbo jumbo.)

I got banned for a week for saying "A louse gets a bath".

Motivation: "Insult."


I was banned for a week for the proverb "A louse gets a bath".

Motivation: "Insult".

It's just that the person who banned me has pediculosis.)