Interesting and Humour - page 2291

Gameromania tests the Oculus Rift


Good morning


Good morning

So how's the gelatine caviar sandwich?

20 Excel Secrets to Simplify Your Work (inspired by this article)

  1. Highlight all cells with a single click
  2. Open multiple files at once
  3. Moving through Excel files
  4. Adding new buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar
  5. Diagonal line in cells
  6. Adding empty rows or columns to a table
  7. Rapidly copy and move information
  8. Quickly delete empty cells
  9. Advanced search
  10. Copy unique records
  11. Create a selection
  12. Quick navigation with Ctrl and arrow keys
  13. Transpose column and row information
  14. How to hide information in Excel
  15. Merge text with "&"
  16. Change the case of letters
  17. Enter information with zeros at the beginning
  18. Faster entry of complex words
  19. More information
  20. Rename a sheet with double click

Find out more here

20 Tricks That Can Make Anyone An Excel Expert
20 Tricks That Can Make Anyone An Excel Expert
  • Liza Brown
This article shows 20 useful tricks and tips for Excel 2010. These Excel spreadsheet secrets include lots of handy features as well as screenshots.

Amazon hits PayPal

The world's largest online retailer Amazon launched a platform on Monday that allows registered users to send and receive money transfers as well as make purchases from third-party online shops. In doing so, the company has entered into direct competition with market leader PayPal.

Amazon on Monday launched its new Amazon Payments payment system, which allows consumers to use their online shop accounts to send and receive money transfers, as well as to pay for goods and services from third-party providers. The programme also provides the opportunity to pay regular bills, such as subscriptions to newspapers, magazines or websites, as well as to pay mobile phone bills. The latter, experts say, is particularly important, as the company is due to unveil its own smartphone as early as next week.


Roskomnadzor wants to create its own blog traffic counter

"On 1 August, amendments to the laws "On Information, Information Technology and Information Protection", "On Communications" and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO) signed by the Russian president in early May will come into force. These amendments oblige bloggers with a readership of 3,000 or more per day to comply with a number of restrictions similar to those imposed on the media. Popular bloggers and blogging services will have to register with Roskomnadzor - at the request of the agency itself, or law enforcement agencies, or another federal executive body - if it has grounds to do so."


My comment.

And here I wonder, if for example a blogger is a citizen of Russia, but his domain is registered in the U.S. and his blog is in English and hosted by the UK ... will the international commission count and ask for data on users, who are U.S. citizens, etc.? And the law of aggression on the internet (with a term of up to 5 years) ... and the data of users to be released without trial in Russia ... What users? U.S. citizens who visit an English blog? :)

Something is not right here ... I guess we are only talking about the Russian segment of the Internet (which is already barely breathing) :)

Роскомнадзор хочет создать собственный счетчик посещаемости блогов
Роскомнадзор хочет создать собственный счетчик посещаемости блогов
  • 2014.06.11
Роскомнадзор хочет создать собственную систему для подсчета посещаемости сайтов и их отдельных страниц. Такой сервис упоминается в подготовленном ведомством проекте «Методики определения количества пользователей сайта или страницы сайта в сети интернет...» (документ есть у «Известий»). В Роскомнадзоре эту информацию подтвердили. 1 августа...

The Turing test is passed!

"Today, June 7, 2014, a landmark event in the history of management science - cybernetics - the test to determine artificial intelligence, invented by British mathematician Alan Turing 64 years ago, has been passed!

The threshold has been crossed today. The chatbot, created under the guidance of Russian programmer Vladimir Veselov, who lives and works in the USA, has managed to break the 30% barrier set by Turing more than half a century ago.
Ученые: тест Тьюринга все еще не пройден
Ученые: тест Тьюринга все еще не пройден
Ученые заявляют, что факт успешного прохождения компьютером «теста Тьюринга» (информация об этом распространилась в мировых СМИ 8 июня текущего года) следует подвергнуть сомнению. Делаэ убежден, что люди, заявившие о прохождении теста системой, плохо знакомы с работой Алана Тьюринга. Делаэ ссылается на следующие факты: В своей статье от...