Interesting and Humour - page 2267

And a little more on the future
"Умные" очки смогут превратить любую поверхность в сенсорный экран ::
Компания Metaio, специализирующаяся на разработках в сфере дополненной реальности, создала технологию, позволяющую превратить любую поверхность в тачскрин. Правда, для этого потребуются "умные" очки. Об этом сообщают наши западные коллеги из . Разработчики Metaio считают, что использование очков дополненной реальности можно сделать более...



Map of population density in Russia.


From the essays:

The tractor raced across the field, smelling slightly...

In the summer the boys and I went on an overnight camping trip and we took only the essentials with us: potatoes, a tent and Maria Ivanovna.

The fire froze and the embers froze.

The chairman took the milkmaids at their wits' end, and the milk yield increased immediately.

Chickens, ducks and other domestic animals walked around the yard.

The Slavs were a free-loving people. They were often enslaved, but even there they did not work...

Warlords are brave people, they are willing to risk the lives of others.

When Russian vigilantes took to the battlefield, the Mongol-Tatar yoke jumped out from behind the mound.

When I read Gorky's novel Mother, I wanted to be a mother myself.

The moans of the wounded and the dead echoed across the field.

Onegin went to his dying uncle, arrives and says: Tell me, Uncle, it's not without reason, Moscow, burned by fire....

Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that crawled out of his skull.

Ilya Muromets parents were simple collective farmers.

Flying on crutches was not easy, but he learnt.

The Decembrists accumulated great potency and poured it out on Senate Square.

And then the fighter remembered that he had a rifle in his pocket!

"At least one glimpse of Paris..." - dreamt Kutuzov.

The army was running, with Napoleon ahead, losing his majesty and honour by the minute.

Natasha Rostova wanted to say something, but the door that opened closed her mouth.

Pierre Bezukhov wore pantaloons with a high jabot.

Raskolnikov awoke and sweetly reached for his axe. A corpse was lying on the floor barely breathing, the corpse's wife was sitting beside it, and the corpse's brother was lying unconscious in another room.
A milkmaid was milking a cow
on the riverbank and the water reflected the opposite.

The Countess was riding in a carriage with an elevated, folded backside.

Old Woman Yzergil was as proud and impregnable as a tank man.

Anna Karenina found no real men, and so she lay down under the train.

A Negro, ruddy with frost, entered the upper room.

Papa Carlo knocked out Pinocchio.

The frogs galloped in pairs towards the swamp, where they committed suicide.

Suvorov was a real man and slept with common soldiers.

Pushkin was sensitive in many places.

Piglets have a curly tail at the back, by which they are distinguished from other domestic animals.

From a history of computer science quiz: "In the year XXXX, Leibniz invented a machine that, together with Newton, could only add up."

"Gogol's creativity was characterised by a triplethood. With one foot he stood in the past, with the other he stepped into the future, and between his feet he had an eerie reality.

Australia has a population density of four square people per metre.

Of all the feminine charms Maria Bolkonskaya had only her eyes.

Anna had come together with Vronsky in a very new, unacceptable way for the country


From the essays:

The tractor raced across the field, smelling slightly...

In the summer the boys and I went on an overnight camping trip, and we took only the essentials with us: potatoes, a tent and Maria Ivanovna.

The fire froze and the embers froze.

The chairman took the milkmaids at their wits' end, and the milk yield increased immediately.

Chickens, ducks and other domestic animals walked around the yard.

The Slavs were a free-loving people. They were often taken into slavery, but even there they did not work...

Warlords are brave people, they are willing to risk the lives of others.

When Russian vigilantes took to the battlefield, the Mongol-Tatar yoke jumped out from behind the mound.

When I read Gorky's novel Mother, I wanted to be a mother myself.

The moans of the wounded and the dead echoed across the field.

Onegin went to his dying uncle, arrives and says: Tell me, Uncle, it's not without reason, Moscow, burned by fire....

Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that would crawl out of his skull.

Ilya Muromets parents were simple collective farmers.

Flying on crutches was not easy, but he learnt.

The Decembrists accumulated great potency and poured it out on Senate Square.

And then the fighter remembered that he had a rifle in his pocket!

"At least one glimpse of Paris..." - dreamt Kutuzov.

The army was running, with Napoleon ahead, losing his majesty and honour by the minute.

Natasha Rostova wanted to say something, but the door that opened closed her mouth.

Pierre Bezukhov wore pantaloons with a high jabot.

Raskolnikov awoke and sweetly reached for his axe. A corpse was lying on the floor barely breathing, the corpse's wife was sitting beside it, and the corpse's brother was lying unconscious in another room.
A milkmaid was milking a cow
on the riverbank and the water reflected the opposite.

The Countess was riding in a carriage with an elevated, folded backside.

Old Woman Yzergil was as proud and impregnable as a tank man.

Anna Karenina found no real men, and so she lay down under the train.

A Negro, ruddy with frost, entered the upper room.

Papa Carlo knocked out Pinocchio.

The frogs galloped in pairs towards the swamp, where they committed suicide.

Suvorov was a real man and slept with common soldiers.

Pushkin was sensitive in many places.

Piglets have a curly tail at the back, by which they are distinguished from other domestic animals.

From a history of computer science quiz: "In the year XXXX, Leibniz invented a machine that, together with Newton, could only add up."

"Gogol's creativity was characterised by a triplethood. With one foot he stood in the past, with the other he stepped into the future, and between his feet he had an eerie reality.

Australia has a population density of four square people per metre.

Of all the feminine charms Maria Bolkonskaya had only her eyes.

Anna had come together with Vronsky in a very new, unacceptable way for the country

:) :) :)
An Israeli development is creating a furor in the world!
Израильская разработка производит фурор в мире
Израильская разработка производит фурор в мире
Небольшая израильская компания Consumer Physics разработала прибор, который сможет радикально изменить наши отношения с окружающим физическим миром — так же, как персональные компьютеры произвели переворот в мире информации. Нам обещают первый в мире миниатюрный молекулярный сканер на базе NIR-спектроскопии (спектроскопии ближней инфракрасной...

Who runs Silicon Valley

You can have a company without research, but no one needs research without a business application, says William Miller, professor of management and computer science at Stanford University and founder of several Silicon Valley companies

  • Никифорова Анна
Людей, бывших свидетелями и участниками создания Кремниевой долины, осталось совсем мало. Профессор Стэнфорда Уильям Миллер один из этих старожилов. Он сделал блестящую университетскую карьеру — занимает посты профессора управления и компьютерных наук, с которыми раньше совмещал пост профессора Стэнфордского университета. Как и положено...