Interesting and Humour - page 2269

Необычные пляжные снимки - Фишки.нет
Необычные пляжные снимки - Фишки.нет
На пляже можно увидеть "шокирующие" и смешные ситуации.

Before she went on a diet, Charity's daily diet included cereal, two pizzas, two large sandwiches, five donuts, two plates of lasagne, a chocolate bar, a big bowl of popcorn and a biscuit. But now, with the support of her loved one, she eats three yoghurts, a banana with peanut butter, vegetables, grilled chicken, veggie pizza and crackers every day.

Самая полная женщина в мире готова похудеть ради свадьбы
Самая полная женщина в мире готова похудеть ради свадьбы
  • Виктория Тен
Самая полная женщина мира готова идти под венец, и для этого ей нужно “немного” похудеть, сообщает Metro UK. Черити Пирс весит около 358 кг, теперь ей нужно сбросить около 127 кг для того, чтобы провести операцию по уменьшению желудка. Для достижения цели 38-летняя женщина уже сократила ежедневное потребление калорий с 10 тысяч до 1200, чтобы...
If a man is sent out for a bottle and brings back one and it's empty, then he works as a programmer.

"Business as a class is starting to die out".

The number of planned inspections of businesses should be reduced.

- И как-то ничего же не меняется, то есть, видимо, настолько сильно сопротивление…

- You know, it wouldn't change much if the economy was booming and everything was flourishing. Well, it's not the worst problem. It is a very big problem, but not the worst. And now business as a class is starting to die out, and there's more. It's just the edge right now. We have to stop. That's why I have such a moral appeal to people who are going to take control, especially the young people: guys, don't do it, start your own business, move up the career ladder - to the top management, anywhere, but not in that. This is a thankless profession, don't judge and you won't be judged. That's my point.


Did you know that the Japanese language consists of several levels of politeness, or that there are special underground cars for women? In this photo essay, a girl tells you some interesting facts about Japan.

Fujiyama is indeed a private property and is owned by the Shinto Great Shrine of Hongu Sengen, which holds a donation from the Shogun, dating back to 1609.

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Интересные факты о Японии | Непутевые заметки
Интересные факты о Японии | Непутевые заметки