Interesting and Humour - page 223


Keep writing, I like it!

Nothing gets in the way of seeing like a point of view.

Let's go on ))


The eye opener


The eye opener


The eye opener


If the Germans had won that war

The topic of the essay was a strange one. "If the Germans had won?". Vitya P. strained his imagination and scribbled away with his pen. Alas, there was a monstrous, unimaginative list of absurdities. It couldn't have happened in Russia. After all, it was not the Germans who had won after all.
There would be virtually no industry left in the country, the occupiers would only be concerned about siphoning off natural resources from our territories.
Instead of the people's policemen, there will be many ragamuffin policemen, and people will be more afraid of them than of bandits.
At every exit from the city, policemen will be checking those who are planning to leave or arrive. Every resident will be obliged to register with the police at their place of residence.
Wild squads of hill tribesmen will be set up to maintain fear. From time to time they would attack the local population, rob and kill.
Rulers will be recruited from particularly despicable locals. The rulers' children and wives will live abroad for safety. And they themselves will be replaced here on a rotational basis.
All the nobility will ride only in black German cars with sirens. Ordinary people will have to run to the side of the road and wait for them to pass.
German goods will be considered the best and most desirable in Russia.
The president will speak German better than Russian.
Those who fought against the Germans will receive a pittance, and on holidays a meagre dry ration.
The Russians killed in the war would be buried in mass graves, just to mark that burial.
Most of the male population of the country will pass through the camps. To break the will to resist
Teachers and doctors in the occupied territories will be given the minimum allowance, just so the population will not be shrunk and dehumanized too quickly.
On the far fringes of Russia, like Primorye, the partisans would probably persist. They will attack the police, but the intimidated population will not help them in any way.
They will not build roads, and will make gasoline more expensive, so that people will stay at home.
People will be strictly forbidden to have arms, so that they do not revolt.
Cheap barracks with low ceilings, 8 meters per person will be provided for people to live.
The smartest and cleverest will be given the opportunity to go and live abroad, it will be considered a great success in life.
America will be declared Russia's main enemy. "
Vera Pavlovna thought long and hard about the grade. She gave it a 3 for good imagination


If the Germans had won that war

I've been wondering the same thing lately, by the way. It seems to me there would have been repression, like under Stalin. Only other people would have been shot for sure. Russ officien, commissaren, partizanen puff - puff. Eventually Hitler would have died and everything would have worked out. Catherine 2 was German, and probably did the most good for Russia.
By the way, I have also been interested in this question lately. It seems to me that there would have been repression, like under Stalin. Only other people would be shot for sure. Russ officien, commissaren, partizanen puff - puff. Eventually Hitler would have died and everything would have worked out. Catherine 2 was German, and probably did more good for Russia than anyone else.
I find it scary to fantasize about the consequences of the Nazi occupation. But in fact, the model of our current state is occupation. But not from outside, but from within. We ourselves are the ones who occupied us. Our former classmates, classmates, neighbours, and comrades. But we didn't protest much.
Fantasizing about the consequences of the Nazi occupation is scary. But in fact, the model of our current state is occupation. But not from the outside, but from the inside. We ourselves are the ones who occupied us. Our former classmates, classmates, neighbours, and comrades. But we didn't protest much.
I don't know. I think the Nazis had good ideas. Their methods were barbaric. Towards an external enemy. Communists were even more barbaric against the internal enemy. In fact, in case you don't know, Lenin created the first concentration camp. For his fellow citizens. Literally. Documented.