Interesting and Humour - page 2189

What's the dollar going to be at tomorrow?
That's very helpful, because my child asks me a question and I don't know the answer.





It's a slang half-joking name for a multitasker.
It comes from the DOS "press any key", like any task is possible.
He can pull a network, write a program, set an office for a user.

But all of the above will do through the arse. :)


Semyon Slepakov: Patriotic-erotic

Song lyrics:
America doesn't love us...
England does not love us...
Germany does not love us...
For centuries on end

France doesn't love us...
Japan doesn't like us...
In short, nobody likes us...
But they all want to fuck us!

And we, we can't do without love...
And we, we don't want to be without love...
It's the most important feeling of all...
And we can't without love, we won't, we won't, we won't!

But they want to get us like a whore...
# They want to get us drunk and bend us over in the alley
¶¶ They want to sneak up on us when we're in the shower ¶¶
In the shower they'll bend over the Crimea

And then they want us to expand into all the crevices
And then stay friends
♪ And do it all over again ♪
And not a word about love!

And we, we don't agree without love,
♪ And we, with our hands clenched in our knuckles, stand our ground ♪
For all those who have studied history know perfectly well,
That without love, we never give it to anyone!

¶ you guys are understandable ¶
♪ It's hard enough to love us ♪
¶ but before you get under our skirts ¶
¶¶ There's something you should know ¶¶

♪ We might disappoint you... ♪
♪ Russia is a woman with a dick ♪
♪ so it's better for you ♪
♪ Keep your trousers on when we're around... ♪


"The head of the IMF made a big deal about restricting the printing of quid in the US - and immediately raped a maid in a hotel.
The founder of wikileaks, Julian Assange, made diplomatic correspondence public - and raped two people at once.
Silvio Berlusconi said something against the U.S. and immediately slept with a minor.
Now the Hungarian prime minister has asked IMF monitors to get out of the country. Hold him before he fucks somebody!!!"

The Hungarian Lesson

Венгерский урок
Отменил плату за обучение в университетах, повысил пособие молодым матерям, значительно понизил налоги, в особенности для малого бизнеса. Снизил и коммунальные тарифы.
Пластиковые пакеты и бутылки для будущих поколений. Plastic bags and bottles for future generations
Пластиковые пакеты и бутылки для будущих поколений. Plastic bags and bottles for future generations
  • 2014.04.10
  • llorax
Click on link for English version below Когда я впервые в 1990 году приехала в Советский Союз, меня приятно удивило, что страна не была замусорена пластиком.  Люди ходили в магазины с авоськами, бидонами; даже пустые стеклянные бутылки были цены – за них можно было получить деньги.  Я была в восторге.  Но недолго.  С приходом капитализма...