Interesting and Humour - page 2147


History has several examples of wars between states starting over a trivial matter. For example, over a stray dog, losing a football match or an oak bucket (source - vokrugsveta article)


In 1925 a Greek soldier at the Petrich frontier post chased a stray dog running towards the Bulgarian border, and was killed by a Bulgarian border guard, who thought the Greek soldier wanted to cross the border. The next day the Greeks destroyed the entire Bulgarian outpost. Had it not been for the intervention of the League of Nations, a full-scale war would hardly have been avoided.


According to one legend, in 1325 a soldier deserted from Bologna to Modena and took an oak bucket with him, from which he watered his horse. The authorities of Bologna did not insist on extraditing the fugitive, but demanded that the bucket be returned as the property of the city. The proud Modenese refused, and war broke out between the cities, which lasted 22 years (the Bolognese lost).


In 1969, a "football war" broke out between El Salvador and Honduras. After their team's defeat in a match against El Salvador, Honduras broke off diplomatic relations with their rival. Salvadoran troops then crossed the Honduran border. A truce was only achieved thanks to international mediation.

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6 самых глупых поводов для военных конфликтов
История знает несколько примеров, когда войны между государствами начинались из-за сущих пустяков. Например, из-за бродячей собаки, проигрыша в футбольном матче или дубового ведра В 1925 году на погранзаставе в Петриче солдат-грек погнался за бродячей собакой, бегущей в сторону болгарской границы, и был убит пограничником-болгарином, которому...

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In 1925 a Greek soldier at the Petrich frontier post chased a stray dog running towards the Bulgarian border, and was killed by a Bulgarian border guard, who thought the Greek soldier wanted to cross the border. The next day the Greeks destroyed the entire Bulgarian outpost. Had it not been for the intervention of the League of Nations, a full-scale war would hardly have been avoided.

It is not clear.

Why did he want a stray dog? Did he want to eat it?

Cat Burger. - Imgur
Cat Burger. - Imgur
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A year later he went to the Canary Islands.

Version two.
Vovochka learned about Forex at school,
Vovochka's dad went to the asylum.


History is replete with examples of wars between states starting over simple things.

Exactly. It can be interesting for the bigwigs to watch the bloodshed - how people kill each other. History certainly does not know a single example of any preppies or genital secretaries taking up arms and getting shot at.
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