Interesting and Humour - page 2150


****** is getting closer

Биологи впервые вставили полностью искусственную хромосому в дрожжи
Биологи впервые вставили полностью искусственную хромосому в дрожжи
  • 2014.03.27
МОСКВА, 27 мар — РИА Новости. Биологи впервые смогли создать и успешно вставить полноценную искусственную хромосому в клетку дрожжей, что открывает дорогу для крупномасштабных "переделок" генома уже сегодня, говорится в статье, опубликованной в журнале Science. "Когда вы меняете геном, вы, по сути, играете в рулетку. Одно неправильное...
Zach King
Video editing genius. 2014.


An eight-year-old girl from Japan and her electric guitar


A 4-year-old boy playing the piano.

That's it, the nurserymen will be here soon and coding for MT5.


Those two children were Japanese. Now adults (also Japanese).

Kaori Kobayashi is a Japanese jazz saxophonist and flautist. This video is her concert at the 2013 Jakarta/Indonesia Jazz Festival, the biggest jazz festival in the world. The video is an hour long.


Wife mobile app :

US has developed a mobile app for alcoholics

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin (US) have developed a smartphone app called A-CHESS that can help people suffering from alcoholism cope with temptation. The app has already been tested and should go on sale soon.

The app periodically reminds the smartphone owner about the harms of alcohol, asks how they are doing and notifies the counsellor if the patient needs help or if they are approaching their favourite bar. The app also has an "alarm" button to be pressed if the urge to drink becomes completely unbearable. The members of the self-help group closest to that patient at that moment will receive a signal and come to the rescue. In the meantime, the programme will familiarise the host with relaxation techniques that will allow them to wait for help to arrive.


This one is gone, we need a new one

Difference ...tease ))))