Interesting and Humour - page 2107

- What is the difference between profit and loss?
- According to the theory of relativity, only the position of the observer. The trader has a loss - the broker has a profit

Blue people don't get constipated...


Good morning.

Вежливые Люди
Вежливые Люди
Песня, посвящается всем вежливым людям))). Группа "Крепкие Узы" представляет свою вторую песню.
  • People hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know anything about each other; they don't know because they don't communicate, and they can't communicate because they are separated.
  • The ultimate measure of a man's worth is not how he behaves in hours of comfort and convenience, but how he holds himself in times of struggle and contradiction.
  • A man cannot ride on your back if it is not bent
  • Disorder is the language of those who have not been listened to.
  • Faith is enough for the first step. You don't have to see the whole ladder to step on the first step.
  • Love is the only force that can turn any enemy into a friend.
  • At the end of it all, we will remember not the insults of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Martin Luther King


Martin Luther King's famous speech


Yeah, you can't give a woman a gun. It's a good thing she didn't lose an eye. And to the friend who let you shoot and didn't explain how to do it properly - punch him in the forehead.


Yeah, you can't give a woman a gun. It's a good thing she didn't lose an eye. And to the friend who let you shoot and didn't explain how to do it properly - punch him in the forehead.

They are not mercenaries. Not even the GDP can stop them...
Крым. Вежливые люди вас удивят.
Крым. Вежливые люди вас удивят.
Зам.командира роты народного ополчения дает развернутое интервью. Он сказал очень много. Умный гражданин Украины. Корреспонденты в шоке!
I walk into a pharmacy...
I ask :
- Do you have jars for tests?
- Do you have one for stool or urine?
- What's the difference?
-Feces with a spoon... . . (back voice...)
-Weeeeee with a tube.
- How can you make guaranteed profits in Forex?
- Open a dealing centre.

Yes, women should not be given guns.