Interesting and Humour - page 1975


?!?! The Germans will kick you in the balls, I bet... There's a smiley face that shows the appropriate gesture...

If you don't, Kant will get up at night and look in your window

For Germans we are German, for Poland we are Polish, for Lithuania we are Lithuanian ... And they do not take ...

Only Lukashenko agrees to take us... But they won't give it to him...


Пресс-секретарь Деда Мороза объяснила решетки на встрече с детьми
Пресс-секретарь Деда Мороза объяснила решетки на встрече с детьми
  • 2013.12.24
Металлические заграждения на встрече Деда Мороза с детьми в Самаре установили из соображений безопасности. Об этом «Русской службе новостей» сообщила Любовь Якимова, которая работает пресс-секретарем Всероссийского Деда Мороза из Великого Устюга. Таким образом она отреагировала на появившиеся в интернете снимки с самарской встречи. Якимова...

That's right, what if Grandpa is a pedophile? We should put him in a cage and drive him around Russia like that.

The snow maiden should also be put in a cage just in case, so that Mizulina does not worry.

They should make a tilt window so that Father Christmas could give out presents, and the presents will be checked by Milonov and lit in church.


For the Germans we are the original German land, for Poland we are the original Polish land, for Lithuania we are the original Lithuanian land... and they don't take us...

Only Lukashenko agrees to take us... But they won't give it to him...


Tesla in detail


Law enforcement officers found a bag of cocaine in the possession of a local official who allegedly helped him make "genius decisions", according to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region.

"According to the detainees, after consuming the drug, genius decisions came into his head on the performance of work within the framework of the concluded municipal contract. The drug-addicted official was not embarrassed even by the fact that some employees were aware of his addiction to the powder. The employees knew that the director, being "in good spirits", would sign almost any documents", the police said.


What a face!

Left the little kids without grapes, without vitamins, now the kids will get rickets and the cat will get a fat ass

What's the matter with you? Don't hurt the cat. I've got one just like him, but he's a different colour and eats cakes. He's almost my brother. I'll bite!

Toys from our childhood: